Processes for Curriculum Consistency - 2022

Processes for Curriculum Consistency - 2022

‘N’ Notifications


Year 7-10 – ‘At Risk Notification’ (replacing N notification Yr7-10)


-Send this notification when you

have concerns about the academic progress of a student in Year 7-10 classes


Examples of when to send this notification:

-> when a student receives an ungraded result for a MAT

-> when a student does not submit major coursework/project tasks

-> when you are concerned a student is not performing to their academic ability in your class


*this notification will replace the ‘N notification Yr7-10’ and can be used at the teacher’s discretion, but it is expected that some form of contact has been made home (eg phone call, email) prior to sending this notification 

**this notification is in the process of being updated and isn’t current at the time of sending this email but should be within 24 hours


FAQ: Do I need to send this notification each time a Yr7-10 student gets below 50%? for a MAT

In short, no. If a student gets less than 50% (ungraded) and is completing set work and demonstrably making an effort then don’t send the notification. Alternatively, for a student who gets less than 50% but is not submitting set work and demonstrating learning throughout the outcome, you may send it.


VCE/VCAL - There has been no changes to VCE/VCAL N notifications. (See VCE flowchart here)


-When student doesn’t demonstrate

understanding of an outcome as per Senior School Flowchart (attached)-> send ‘Notification of N result’

-When student doesn’t pass/submit outcome task or generally not submitting work in general -> send ‘Overdue work notification' 


*It is expected that if a student received an overall N for your subject that ‘N Notifications’ have been sent home for relevant outcomes to inform parents/guardians in real time


MATs in Semester 2:


MATs are to be set up in curriculum meetings using Compass templates. Speak to your faculty leader if you have any questions about ensuring your MATs are aligned to the reporting requirements.


Clarification – how many MATs does my subject need?

Subjects with 4 periods per cycle: 2 MATs

Subjects with 5 periods per cycle: 2


Subjects with 6 periods per cycle: 2

to 3 MATs 

Subjects with 8 periods per cycle: 3



*If your subject needs to diverge from these ratios speak with your faculty leader


Assessment and feedback


To ensure consistency and usefulness of feedback please ensure students receive their marks and in-class feedback within a 2 week timeframe.