Key College Information 

In this section.....

This section details information that is important or useful for staff to know and have access to about the school and how it operates. 

The information contained in this section includes:

On this page you will find the school's current Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan documents as well as key data about the school's progress. You can also find links to student data portals. 

On this page you will find information about our upcoming review. You can also find the links to various feedback surveys if you want to contribute your ideas. 

This page outlines the current leadership structure, complete with position descriptions, the current positions of responsibility and outlines the decision making structures at the college. 

Outlining the House system at HC

This page outlines the expectations for staff conduct at the college. 

Some quick trouble shooting tricks and tips to help you identify actions to take in various situations. 

Your go - to guide for some of the key procedures used at the college.