What to do if....

What to do if.....

....you see a student's mobile phone

  • Calmly walk up to the student, reach out your hand and politely ask for the phone.

  • Ask for the student's name (check that it matches their picture on Compass if you think they are not being honest). Ask if this is their first confiscation. Let them know that a first confiscation comes with a warning, a second confiscation comes with an after school detention. The student can collect the phone at the end of the day from the office.

  • At your first opportunity, take the phone to the front office and sign it into the appropriate box.

  • Under the student's name in Compass, add the Chronicle "Confiscated Items" and fill out relevant details. Keep the details factual and without emotion.


  • ...the student refuses to hand over their phone. Ask them again politely. Let them know that this is a reasonable request, and that there will be consequences for not following a reasonable instruction.

  • Note the students' name and pass this information on to the Year Level Coordinator.

  • Under the student's name in Compass, add the Chronicle "Behaviour Incident Report" and fill out relevant details. Keep the details factual and without emotion.


  • We have a couple of students who are permitted to carry their phones to help manage diabetes for example. They will let you know this, and it should be recorded on Compass, however they have agreed to not misuse their phone throughout the day.

....a student wishes to go to the toilet

  • Text the student's name and your class to the "duty teacher" - 0459 853 096

  • If it is a student subject to a safety plan, wait for a couple of minutes to check that there is no reply asking for that student to wait

  • Hand them your pass (1 at a time) and allow them to go to the canteen toilets

....a student forgot items from their locker and doesn't have them in class

  • The student will have to do their best with the materials they have. Their teacher will provide them with necessary materials to access the learning

....a student is out of uniform

  • Remind the student of the expected uniform.

< Blue shorts and blue tracksuit pants should be worn with the sports shirt (preferably the school brand but another brand is better than black).

< If students are cold, they should be wearing a JUMPER! rather than a long sleeved shirt underneath their shirts. If they want to wear something underneath it should be a t-shirt that doesn't poke out of the shirt on top.

< Non brand socks. Black or white.

< Black polishable shoes with more formal uniform. Runners with sports uniforms.

< No non-school hoodies

  • Ask the student if they have a note from home to support non-uniform wear. If they have a note, add this information to the student's Compass Chronicle under "Uniform Pass." This may require follow up in terms of providing the student with assistance to get uniform. The school does have some items that it can provide in a hardship situation.

  • If they have no note, please inform the Year Level Coordinator by email and a lunchtime detention for the student will be arranged.

....a student swears at you

  • Inform the student that the language they are using is unacceptable (reference our values of community and compassion) and that their Coordinator will be informed and a consequence will follow

  • On the students' Compass Chronicle under "Behaviour Incident Report" enter the relevant details. Keep the details factual and without emotion.

  • Discuss the incident with the Year Level Coordinator, who will likely issue a withdrawal or suspension

....a student is using their laptop inappropriately

  • Let the student know that you will be confiscating the laptop until the end of class. The student may turn it off, then you should carry it to the front of the room and place it on your desk.

  • At the end of the class, conduct a discussion with the student about respectful listening and appropriate use of the laptop as an educational tool only.

  • If the content of what the student is utilising their laptop for is extremely inappropriate, put this information on Compass under the Chronicle "Behaviour Incident Report", and enter the relevant details. Keep the details factual and without emotion. The Coordinator will issue a consequence.

....a student is carrying or consuming an illegal drug at school

  • Alert the Coordinator or someone in the Coordinator's office ASAP. Complete a Compass Chronicle for the situation under "Behaviour Incident Report" and enter the relevant details. Keep the details factual and without emotion.

....a student threatens violence or is violent

  • Protect your safety and other students' safety as a matter of priority. This may include removing uninvolved students from the situation if possible.

  • If time, send a student to seek additional staff support as quickly as possible.

  • If time, call the duress line 9871 4898.

  • Verbally encourage the student/s to STOP.

  • Repeat this instruction until they stop, then ask them to take a deep breath and wait.

  • The goal is to get the student/s calm and relaxed using whatever means possible that keeps others safe.

  • Enter this information onto the student's Compass Chronicle under "Behaviour Incident Report" and enter the relevant details. Keep the details factual and without emotion.

....a student says they are having some mental health difficulties/they can't cope in the classroom and need to go to wellbeing

  • Inform the student that they can have time out from completing the learning activities in class for today.

  • They are welcome to sit in another part of the room and carry out calming etc. strategies if that would make them more comfortable, however they must remain under your supervision.

  • Check the student's Compass profile to see if they have any wellbeing strategies. Attempt these strategies.

  • If the student visibly requires more care, contact the duty teacher - 0459 853 096 - with the student's name and the reason you need the student collected.

  • Wait, supervise the student until they are collected

  • Enter information and observations on the student's Compass Chronicle under "General wellbeing observation"

Calming Strategies: