Marrung Commitment

Marrung Commitment

As part of its commitment to reconciliation with Australis's First Nations Peoples, Heathmont College is committed to the ongoing improvement in representation of First Nations Histories, culture and contributions across all areas of society are reflected in the curriculum that is taught and how this is enacted at Heathmont College.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 includes opportunities for students to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. The knowledge and skills that students are expected to develop about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders histories and cultures have a particular and enduring importance and assists students to understand the uniqueness of these cultures and the wisdom and knowledge embedded in them.

A summary of the curriculum content in the Victorian Curriculum F–10 directly related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture is available here:

Further to this, the following sites also provide additional resources and supports to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content, concepts and perspectives across various subject areas:

The Following documents also contain important supports for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives


Marrung Strategy


Protocols for Koorie Education in Victoria

Resources to support Aboriginal perspectives in the curriculum.docx

Resources to support Aboriginal perspectives in the curriculum


Teaching First Nations Content

Learning Stamps with ATSI designs

Feel free to use these digital stamps to show recognition for student work.