Professional Learning 

Professional Development 

For teachers at Heathmont College

Professional learning and development is at the heart of an effective and continuously growing teaching profession – Fullan and Hargreaves (2016)

Effective professional learning is essential for establishing a high performance learning culture and supporting strong learning outcomes. Effective professional learning is collaborative, inquiry focused and embedded in teaching practice. It is guided by the needs of the students and reflects the broader school strategic direction. It should be identified collaboratively by school leaders and teachers as they reflect on how their work contributes to the school’s improvement goals.

Effective professional learning leads to improved teacher knowledge, skills and practice. It has to power to shift attitudes, behaviours, relationships and every day interactions. The effectiveness of professional learning should ultimately be judged by its impact on student outcomes.


Professional Learning offered at Heathmont College

·         Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

·         Workshop Week

·         Staff Professional learning workshops

·         Coaching

·         Curriculum Days

·         PDP process (currently ‘Statement of Expectations’ process)

·         Curriculum Area meetings

·         Mentoring

·         Induction program

·         Data conversations


Applying for PD

Staff can apply for Professional Development through Compass. This needs to be completed in a timely manner. Applications are discussed and approved at Operations meetings which are held on Tuesdays in Week B. Applications should be completed (and submitted) by the previous Monday 5:00pm. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, late submissions will be processed at the following meetings.

For approved PDs, the attendee will be required to have a coaching conversation after the Professional Learning opportunity has been attended. A coach will be in contact with attendees to book an appointment.

Operations will consider the following guidelines when approving teacher PD:

ü  The professional learning directly enables the application of learning to classroom practice to improve student learning outcomes.

ü  The professional learning helps with assessing the impact of teaching practice on student learning. The professional learning supports or fosters a collaborative approach to teaching and learning. Participants can apply and refine their new knowledge in their own school. 

ü  The professional learning draws on current research on effective teaching and learning


Applicants will be notified of the approval via email.