High Ability Learners (EEP)

High Ability Learners - The EEP program 

The Excellence and Enrichment (EEP) program is designed to provide high ability learners with enhanced opportunities to accelerate and enrich their studies across years 7 to 9. 

In previous years, this has involved grouping eligible and interested students into a single class for which they receive a slightly different curriculum in the areas of Mathematics, Humanities and English / Action. 

In 2022, this will change as a result of a variety of factors including the reduced enrolment numbers and reduced confidence levels of students due to the impacts of COVID-19. 

Year 7 students involved in the EEP program in 2022 will be offered individual coaching by a team of experienced coaching staff that will support them to set goals in academic as well as social and emotional spheres. It will also support the development of a tailored individual academic program for these students that will look to combine some withdrawal extension and acceleration programs in a range of areas as well as additional experiences from the Department of Education's Student Excellence program.  

For more information about this program, please speak with Joanne Ganis  (High Ability Practice Leader) or Kerryn Sandford (Principal).