Coaching at Heathmont

Heathmont College is working towards developing a coaching culture at the college which means working at multiple levels to ingrain coaching as part of what we do. 

We are currently developing and running the following coaching programs:

Instructional Coaching at Heathmont

What is coaching?

There are many definitions of coaching. One I like is:

Unlocking people’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” (Whitmore, 2009)

There is broad agreement that coaching:

·         is a managed conversation that takes place between two people;

·         aims to support sustainable change to behaviours and ways of thinking;

·         focusses on learning and development

At Heathmont College, we are using Christian Van Nieuwerburgh’s book titled “An Introduction to Coaching Skills” to learn about the skills coaches need to develop to become effective and refine a framework that shapes a useful conversation.

What will happen when I work with a coach?

Once a staff member makes a request, a coach will be assigned. The coach will make contact with the coachee and a mutually agreed time for a first conversation will be organised. During the first conversation the coach and coachee will decide what coaching will look like for them. Some coaching relationships are purely conversational. The coach and coachee meet regularly and have a coaching conversation. Sometimes the coach observes the coachee. At other times the coachee may observe the coach. School data may be used as a focus for the conversation, or teacher collected data may be used. What is most important is that the coach and coachee have regular, formal coaching conversations that provide the coachee with an opportunity to reflect on their practice and set their own goals. 

What are some things staff are working on with their coach?

The following are responses from coachees when asked what was good about having a coach.

I feel like I have support in my journey to become a better teacher. I am more active and quicker to implement and achieve goals. It is so handy to have another set of eyes to watch and notice different aspects or behaviours in the classroom.”


My coach is always open to a discussion and always happy to provide advice on various topics. He listens really well and is empathetic about the difficulties of teaching Maths. He is always very positive and extremely passionate about all things Maths which is great.


My coach is open-minded and honest with his feedback and helping me identify and set goals.”


My coach is supportive, listens, gives useful feedback, and is able to understand where I am coming from and what I want to improve on.”


Taking the time to think about practice. Having ideas bounced around.”


The advice, the support, the reassurance provided.

If you would like to work with a coach, click the link below and give us a little information.

The questions you will be asked are:

·         Your Name

·         What has prompted you to request coaching?

·         Is there anything you would like your coach to know?

·         Anything else?

A coach will  be in contact with you soon.