East Lothian Game Jam

Game Jam 2024

The Theme for the Game Jam 2024 is UNCRC focusing primarily on articles 15, 29 and 31. Click on the image (left) to find lessons related to the theme. This is a good place to begin the Game Jam 2024, providing context and focus on the rights of the child which can be discussed throughout the duration of the event.

Game Jam 2024 Entries

Play Last Year's Game Jam Entries

Before you embark on Game Jam 2025, why not spend some time 'playing' last years entries to the competition. This might give you the inspiration you need to get started or stimulate some ideas.

The Games highlighted in gold and silver were last year's winning entries.

Happy Gaming!

Below is quick access to all the lessons included this year, including access to the UNCRC lessons and support with setting up accounts to get started. Click on any image to access the page where this lesson is hosted. Bookmarking this page may be handy for getting back to the right lesson with 1 click.

Setting up Accounts

IDL Planner

Jobs in Gaming/Tech (Webinars)

Enter Game Jam Here!

Getting Started with Scratch!


Making Sprites Move Part 1!

Making Sprites Move Part 2!

Using Multiple Sprites!

Making A Sprite Talk!

Creating Backgrounds!

Putting it All Together

Adavanced Backgrounds!

Variables - Scoring in Scratch!


Sensing and Sounds!


Creating a Multiplayer Game

Helpful Hints to Develop Your Game!

Additional Resources