Lesson #13


Many games include the objective of progressing through levels and stages, often getting progressively harder. In this lesson Mr Ewing will demonstrate how you can set levels, add entry points and also control the backdrops and sprites. Happy Coding!

Learning Intention 

Success Criteria


What do stages or levels add to a game? 

Multiple levels bring tons of different benefits that aren’t attainable in games with only a single level. In general, games with multiple levels are more fun to play, have lots of additional features, and tell better stories. More levels means that the player has more things to do in your game. This makes your game last longer, and having more objectives makes your game more fun and engaging. Additionally, the extra space that multiple levels brings gives you more room to experiment with extra features in your game. These features, in turn, will give the player of your game even more to do.

Play the Scratch Ocean Clean Up Game (bottom of the page). How could this game be improved by adding levels? 

Key Learning in the Main Task Video


Extending the Learning

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