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Inclusive Learning and Collaborative Working

"The CIRCLE Collaboration resource has been developed to support the inclusion of all learners within the school environment [both primary and secondary]. Some of these learners may have additional support needs which have already been identified, others may have needs which are becoming apparent as they start their school career and others may have needs which are difficult to pinpoint. This resource will help [education staff] identify and anticipate these needs and provide strategies to support their inclusion." (Queen Margaret University)

Our staged intervention framework is underpinned by UNESCO's 'Four Pillars of Inclusion'

Driven by ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’, East Lothian uses a three-staged intervention framework to meet all learners’ needs at either Universal, Additional or Targeted Level as appropriate. We are committed to strengthening our offer of Universal support and building capacity within our schools and Early Learning and Childcare settings in order to facilitate a truly inclusive education. We expect every child or young person to experience Universal inclusive practice whether they have an identified need or not as is indicated by its very name, Universal practice benefits everyone. 

Curriculum for Excellence provides the national curricular framework, and this is supplemented within East Lothian by the use of the CIRCLE primary and secondary inclusive practice resources above. These resources focus on four key areas: 

Skills, Motivation, Structures and Routines, and Environment 

to meet the needs of all learners and complements our authority-wide commitment to a nurturing approach. These inclusive practices support all staff within education to develop positive, respectful relationships with children and young people, and to take account of the needs of individuals whilst planning for all. 

The Young Ambassadors for Inclusion - 'Ask Us, Hear Us, Include Us'

The Young Ambassadors for Inclusion are young people with Additional Support Needs who have been nominated by their local authority to join a network which provides an opportunity for them to share their views and experiences of Scottish education. A total of 26 local authorities have been represented since the network began.

Through discussion and activities, the Young Ambassadors have identified the ways they feel schools are doing well in their provision of inclusive education and also where improvements could be made. The Young Ambassadors were keen to share their views on what works in inclusive education. They decided to create a film which could allow their views to be heard and help staff understand how to support young people with additional support needs.

East Lothian believes that the CIRCLE resource can support our schools to improve inclusive practice - honouring and respecting the views of our children and young people.

"We've been expecting you."

The CIRCLE Implementation Team in East Lothian has been guided by NAIT (the government-funded National Autism Implementation Team). One of their key messages is for those working in education to expect children and young people in our schools to have Additional Support Needs. With 34.2%* of all pupils across Scotland recorded as having an ASN, we need to amend our practice and be ready to meet the needs of every child or young person in our schools. 

Further resources and advice can be found on NAIT's website, Education Resources | ThirdSpace 

*Summary statistics for schools in Scotland 2022 are available online here

Please contact the CIRCLE Implementation Leads directly if you have any questions about this resource.

Clare McGarr (Education Support Officer)

Claire Donohoe (Educational Psychology)