CIRCLE in Practice

CIRCLE includes two main tools for practitioners: the CIRCLE Inclusive Classroom Scale (CICS) and CIRCLE Participation Scale (CPS). 

Following extensive feedback from practitioners, East Lothian's CIRCLE implementation team have developed the CICS and CPS which can be downloaded as Microsoft Word documents by clicking on the image links below.

2023 CICS for all (ELC).docx

East Lothian's CIRCLE Inclusive Classroom (Learning Space) Scale

East Lothian's CIRCLE Implementation Team have adapted the CICS to include the reflective questions which support practitioners to review learning environments and their practice within them. 

The three key areas of:

 Physical Environment

Social Environment; and 

Structures & Routines 

are included in this one document which can be amended electronically.

2023 CPS Part 1 (East Lothian).docx

CIRCLE Participation Scale (Part 1)

The CPS is designed to support practitioners in improving their practice, considering individual learner participation in the curriculum and school life. 

This tool is a two-part document. 

Part 1 focuses on an assessment of need, in order to guide the identification of strategies that may support that particular young person.

CPS Part 2: Skills, Support and Strategies (East Lothian CIRCLE 2022).docx

CIRCLE Participation Scale (Part 2)

Part 2 of the CPS offers a range of strategies and supports for practitioners to implement and review.  

Building Connections (for Early Years)

In collaboration with Educational Psychology and the Early Learning & Childcare team, East Lothian has developed an additional tool for Early Years practitioners, guided by the principles outlined in CIRCLE and Up, Up and Away. 

Building Connections can be used to identify potential strategies for Early Learning & Childcare practitioners to implement, and support planning processes. 

Primary school practitioners may also find this tool helpful for young children.

Please note, Building Connections is an East Lothian resource and not part of the formal CIRCLE Framework.

FINAL Building Connections 2024.docx

The full CIRCLE documents can be downloaded from the two links below. These include the original CIRCLE Inclusive Classroom Scale (CICS) and CIRCLE Participation Scale (CPS). 


Primary School Resource

5 to 11 years


Secondary School Resource

12 to 18 years

Practitioner Experience

Celebrating Diversity

CIRCLE promotes the use of a visually-supported learning environment. The CIRCLE Inclusive Classroom Scale supports the audit of these spaces, encouraging practitioners to consider strategies they could put in place to meet the majority of their learners' needs at a universal level.

Cockenzie Primary School have shared some examples of how they've used consistent visuals to enhance the learner experience.

Visual Timetables

Supporting teaching and learning

“We have worked closely with Speech and Language Therapy to have consistent visuals available as a universal support in every class at Cockenzie PS and around the building as a whole.  We used this evidence to gain the Silver Visual Support Project Award.” - Rona Saunders, Support for Learning Teacher

Labelling the environment

Humbie Primary School adapted the Inclusive Classroom Scale to use their own colour-coding system when auditing the Physical Environment.

This additional level of detail in their assessment then supported the choices they made to adapt their learning space.

Two practitioners from Edinburgh City Council who piloted this resource, share their experiences of using the CIRCLE Inclusive Classroom Scale.

Learning Support Teacher

Principal Teacher