Young Carers

For more information related to Young Carers  and the Young Carer Identification Questionnaire please use the link below to access pages on East Lothian Council's website focused on this topic.

East Lothian Council Young Carers Service

The Carers Act (Scotland) 2016 came into force on 1st April 2018. The Act requires local authorities to identify and support young carers, offering all young carers a Young Carers Statement (an opportunity for the young carer to consider their caring responsibilities and the impact it is having on their wellbeing before making a plan to ensure their personal goals are realised). This Statement is separate from the Child Planning Framework but can be an appendix to it as it will provide invaluable information, particularly the child/young person’s views.


As Young Carers are defined as anyone under 18yrs or 18yrs and still in school the majority of East Lothian’s young carers will be in our schools. It is therefore crucial that this service works in partnership with schools to identify our young carers. Current estimates suggest we could have approximately 1500 young carers in East Lothian (based on Scottish Government figures). However the latest studies carried out by Carers Trust (UK) suggests this figure could be as many as 3000. The 2021/22 ELC SEE survey suggested that this figure could be as many as 4,000. Currently we have identified around 265.

Young Carers Action Day Pledges from Schools and other Organisations

Press Release

Organisations and schools across East Lothian have come forward to pledge their support for the county’s young carers to mark Young Carers Action Day on 15 March 2023.

Organised by the Carers Trust, the day acts as a focus for raising awareness of young carers across the UK. This year’s theme is ‘Make Time for Young Carers’ which highlights two priorities emerging from consultation with young carers: the need to support them with their caring roles so they have more time for activities that lead to health and wellbeing; and the need for professionals and responsible adults to make more time for young carers so they can hear and better understand the challenges they face as a first step towards overcoming them.

Care responsibilities can vary from small to significant roles on a short or long-term basis and may be undertaken alone or shared with a sibling or adult carer. Underreporting is thought to be a significant issue – while the council’s dedicated service supports 265 young carers in East Lothian surveys suggest the true figure could be as many as 4,000 young carers in the county.

The service works with schools, partner organisations and other council services to identify and connect with young carers to ensure they are getting all of the help they need. Young carers are supported to create a Young Carers Statement which sets out their goals and what help they need to achieve them. The statement can then be used by all partners to make sure the right supports are in place.

The service supports young carers to apply for the ‘Time for Me’ grant which is managed by the adult carer charity Carers of East Lothian. It also provides funding for free Active Schools activities and enjoyLeisure memberships, gift vouchers to local venues, and school holiday breaks in partnership with Venturing Out, Wilder Outdoor Education and the council’s Arts Service.

Information and advice sessions are held in all schools helps to raise awareness of young carers amongst their friends and peer groups and schools have been encourage to apply for a time limited ‘Make Time for Young Carers’ funding to carry out activities in their own schools. A number of schools have used this funding to provide Relaxed Kids sessions, trips to the cinema and zoo, and in-school celebrations for young carers.

East Lothian Council’s Young Carers Coordinator Marie Prior said: “We are delighted with the response we have had from schools and other organisations pledging their support of young carers. I hope it will help to show our young carers how much they are valued and appreciated.  We will continue to encourage others to come forward to pledge their support for these remarkable children and young people

The pledges made to mark Young Carers Action Day 2023 outline a range of actions that will improve the lives of East Lothian’s young carers. East Lothian Council’s Head of Education Nicola McDowell committed to raise awareness of the needs of young carers with head teachers, school staff and across council services, and promoting a county-wide approach to meeting the needs of young carers. The council’s Mental Health and Wellbeing team will make priority appointments with Mental Health Youth Workers available to young carers to discuss aspects of life that impact on their wellbeing. North Berwick High School has undertaken to raise awareness amongst its pupils, while Campie Primary School pledged to make time for a catch-up with its young carers every month. East Lothian Young Carers promised to always listen to young carers and be guided by them and enjoyLeisure has offered free leisure memberships for 2023 to young carers. 

Cabinet member for Education and Children’s and Family Services Councillor Fiona Dugdale also made a pledge: ‘I pledge to always be here to listen and learn from Young Carers about what you need, and to do all I can to support. You dedicate time to others, and I commit to make time for you.’

Councillor Dugdale said: “As any carer knows, prioritising your own needs is often the first thing that is sacrificed when there are other demands on your time. For our young carers this dedicated time, space and support to enjoy the experiences that their friends and peers may take for granted is so important.

“It’s vital that we do all we can to help young carers to come forward and take all of the help they are entitled to and so rightly deserve. This will help to better balance the demands of school work, home life, caring responsibilities and time for fun. I hope all of our Young Carers enjoy some time to themselves and know that they do so with the full support of their families, friends and schools.

Meet the ELC Young Carers Team

Coordinator Young Carers - Marie Prior 


Young Carers Youth Worker - Laura



Link worker for Musselburgh and North Berwick Local Areas

Young Carers Youth Worker - Susan Kerr 


Link worker for Tranent and Haddington Local Areas

Young Carers Youth Worker - Daisy Belton 


Link worker for Prestonpans and Dunbar Local Areas

The Service Staff regularly visit schools in order to;


Stage 1 - raise awareness of young carers with staff through input at staff CAT/CPD/In-Service Day sessions. Encourage a staff member to take on the role of Young Carer Champion. Ensure staff are familiar with the referral pathway (and make connections with YCs already identified to offer YC Statement/review YC statement).


Stage 2 - raise awareness of young carers with pupils through presentations/workshops to students at assemblies/PSE lessons/publicity on news feed screens/posters  (and make connections with YCs already identified to offer YC Statement/review YC statement).


Stage 3 - support the completion of YC statements for newly identified YCs if they want one, encourage/support staff (who may be better placed) to complete YC Statements with pupils who would prefer this.


Stage 4 - offer drop-in sessions for YCs needing info/advice, help set up young carers focus group, supporting young carers set up their own support group if they wish, encourage YCs to become YC Ambassadors, plan for YC Action Day on 15th March 2023, help YC apply for Young Scot Carers Package/Carers Grants/Local Break from Caring Fund.


Stage 5 - offer longer term/specific support to YCs when required.


While ELC is no longer funding the voluntary organisation, East Lothian Young Carers, it continues to support a number of Young Carers


Please note that as of 31st July 2021 there are specific timescales in which the offer of a YC Statement should be made to the Carer of a Terminally Ill Person. Please therefore get in touch immediately if you have any pupils in this situation.

East Lothian Young Carers Pathway

ELC Young Carers Pathway.pdf

East Lothian Young Carers Statement

Young Carers Statement.docx

Useful Resources 

GIRFEC Young Carers.pdf

Getting it Right For Young Carers - The Young Carers Strategy for Scotland: 2010-2015 Summary 


Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 - Jargon Buster for Young Carers


Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 Statutory Guidance


Carers Charter - Your rights as an adult or young carer in Scotland


We Care Schools for Young Carer Award: Information and Guidance


We Care Schools for Young Carers Award: Themes, Standards and Evidence


Young Carers in Education: A Resource in Identifying and Supporting Young Carers in Education

ELC Young Carer A5-A2 Poster v8.pdf

East Lothian Council Young Carers Service Poster

ELC Young Carer A6 Postcard v8.pdf

East Lothian Council Young Carers Service Postcard

Awareness Raising Classroom Activity Resources 

Information on Supporting Young Carers.pdf

Information on Supporting Young Carers

Young Carer's Assessment of Need Guide.pdf

Young Carers: Assessment of Need

Young Carer's Plan for the Future Planning Template.pdf

Your Plan for the Future

Young Carer's Problem-Solving Tool.pdf

Young Carers Problem Solving

Young Carer's Weekly Planning Template.pdf

My Week and Weekend

Diary Entry from a Young Carer Example Text.pdf

Young Carer Diary Entry

Diary Entry of a Young Carer Male Version Example Text.pdf

Young Carer Diary Entry

Positives and Negatives of Being a Young Carer Activity Sheet.pdf

Positive and Negatives of Being a Young Carer Task

Positives of Being a Young Carer A4 Display Poster.pdf

Positives of Being a Young Carer Examples

Young Carers Time For You_APPLICATION_FORM_Sept22-Mar23 (002) (003).docx

Young Carers "Time for Me" Grant : Application Form and Guidance Note

Young Carers looking for information about mental health and wellbeing are encouraged to visit the Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Information Point using the link below.