
Click on the images below to access supplementary pages that explore other areas within Numeracy.

In East Lothian, we believe in the importance of secure knowledge and skills in numeracy as they help us to function responsibly in everyday life and contribute effectively to society.  They increase our opportunities within the world of work and establish foundations which can be built upon through lifelong learning.  Numeracy is not only a subset of mathematics; it is also a life skill which permeates and supports all areas of learning, allowing young people access to the wider curriculum.  

East Lothian’s mathematical pedagogical approach, supported by Worldwide research, is that conceptual understanding must come before procedural learning.  Conceptual understanding is knowing more than isolated facts and methods. The successful learner understands mathematical ideas, and has the ability to transfer their knowledge into new situations while applying and adapting it to new contexts.

Why do we continue to focus on improving the teaching of Numeracy? 

Two children are presented with the same problem - 36 + 48

Both children are reported to “be able to confidently add and subtract within 100”

Watch the two videos.  What do you observe?

2 digit addition stage 3.wmv
2 digit addition Stage 5 +.wmv

There are significant differences in the numerical knowledge of children when they begin  school.  These differences in number knowledge increase as children progress through schooling.

This is clear tendency for low attainers in the early years to continue to be low attainers through their primary years and develop negative attitudes towards mathematics.  There is an need therefore to give every child a positive understanding and success in early number work.

Numeracy and Mathematics Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Numeracy and Mathematics Plan 2023_24.pdf

The aim of the East Lothian Numeracy and Mathematics Strategic Plan is to raise attainment for all and close the poverty related attainment gap across our schools.  We believe that all young people can become proficient in numeracy and maths and through data analysis, effective learning and teaching, robust tracking and monitoring and research based interventions, we will improve outcomes for all.