If you are unable to find the content you need, or have any other feedback about this tool, please use the link (below) to let us know.  Your feedback helps us to improve the service we provide and we appreciate your help.

East Lothian Council have recently created a Google Classroom space called 'SEEMiS Support' for Teachers and Admin staff.

This is a place for SEEMiS applications quick reference guides and training manuals that you can return to whenever you need a refresher, as well as links to instructional videos and free live training webinars.  Material is organised by the subject area within the classwork tab.  Please note, the material within this classroom is for ELC staff use only.

To access the classroom simply input the classroom code when joining a new class or click on the invitation link.

Classroom code k6kssm7

Please check back for updates and turn notifications for our classroom on, to be emailed when new content is uploaded.  If you have any queries or feedback, please contact us at seemis@eastlothian.gov.uk