Professional Learning

Please see below for information and links to resources to support in the planning for delivering STEM education across primary and secondary. Resources linked from Education Scotland and STEM Nation glow page.

Below are two main sections within this page; Education Service Offer and National & International Offer 

National and International Offer

Professional Learning Graphic

Managing the practical classroom in secondary science 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Girls in STEM: closing the STEM gap 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Teaching Biology: inspiring students with plant science 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Curriculum design for secondary science 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Linking curriculum learning to STEM careers 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Teaching practical science - Chemistry 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Inspiring young people in STEM 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Teaching mathematics

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Professional Learning Graphic

Using visualisation in maths teaching 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Maths subject knowledge: understanding numbers 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Maths subject knowledge: fractions, decimals and percentages

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Professional Learning Graphic

Tinkering Fundamentals: a constructionist approach to STEM learning. 

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Professional Learning Graphic

Education Scotland Primary Pedagogy series

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Professional Learning Graphic

Maths subject knowledge: proportion, ratio and scaling 

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