Kristina Moncesli


Here we stand. Two human beings, our feet on the ground. The only thing that tethers us to this earth is gravity. Just for a moment, think of the possibility of life in the sky. Let’s defy gravity. Life among the stars, nothing to anchor us down. All the responsibilities that worry us will fall back to the earth we leave beneath our feet. Don’t look around -- everything out of sight is irrelevant. Admire the sky As we fly together -- focus on what we have now. Don’t let tomorrow plague today. Don’t let yesterday’s memory infect today's adventure. My reality fades away when I’m here with you.

I’m here to help you spread your wings -- to see the potential you try and hide. The possibilities are endless with gifts like yours. Don’t waste away on the ground. I’m here to guide you, so let me fly beside you. I’ll always be here, even when you refuse to ask. I’ll be the stars to light up your night sky. When everything goes dark, find your north star and trust it to lead you in the right direction.

You’ve shown me different perspectives of living, so now it’s my turn. Take my hand as we embark on this journey together. Turn the page in your Book of Life, grab a pen, and begin a new chapter. This blank paper in front of you is the perfect canvas for a fresh start. Take everything you value and write it down, but leave out those things that hold you back. Invite new characters into this chapter, strengthen your current relationships, and mend old ones.

As we’re soaring together over this planet I will do the same. We can start this new chapter together, strengthening our minds and mending our hearts. Below us is the earth, water rushing through the dirt and rock, carving out canyons and mountains. Above us is space -- an endless void filled with billions of stars and planets, miniscule in retrospect to one another. Between the two is where we lie, suspended in the atmosphere with only our wings to carry us.

We are only two small souls among this giant universe, yet they somehow ended up together in this very moment. Our north stars led us here and left us to each other -- I have found my north star within you. Guide me through this maze we call life and I will do the same for you.

For now, we’re back on the ground, but soon enough we’ll find each other in the sky again. Let’s return to our reality, but not forget our time in the sky. We’ll carry it with us, wrapping it in our wings. As gravity returns, we feel the weight on our shoulders -- we can hold it, don’t let it crush you. When life gets too heavy we’ll return to our place above the earth, letting all of reality’s problems sink to the ground once more.

Kristina Moncelsi is currently a sophomore at Dunellen High School. Other than using writing as a form of expression, she is an aspiring photographer and artist. Capturing raw emotion through her hobbies is one of the things she is most passionate about. She hopes to one day be able to travel the world, documenting her journey along the way.