eduardo maiza


My name is Eduardo. Most of my life has been devoted to having fun, playing futbol, and occasionally school work. I enjoy eating (a lot) but sometimes I end up eating so much that I won't be able to move for at least an hour. I know a lot of people but I only have a few friends. Also if you were to come to my house to look for me I definitely wouldn't be there unless it is between the hours of 10pm-7am. My parents hate it though, but it's not my fault I would rather be out doing something than to waste a day at home. Honestly my house is pretty much just a place I go to eat, sleep and occasionally play video games. I LOVE futbol (soccer) my life has changed dramatically ever since I started playing and to be honest i'd probably be a dork if I didn't start playing when i was young which is why i'm so grateful for my cousins since they were the main reason I began to play.

when i get disrespected

I hate nothing more than when someone feels like they can disrespect me. I am a firm believer of “if you want me to respect you, then you must give me the same amount of respect in return.” And I also believe that no matter how old someone may be, if they disrespect me then i am not going to just put up with it but rather give the same amount of energy they give towards me. When I'm disrespected I can't control myself because I have such a short fuse (depending on what the situation is). Being disrespected is my biggest pet peeve because I judge a person based on their actions and character, and I would never be quick to assume or judge people for the things that they do. So when people think that they know me or think that they have the right to tell me things that aren't true, it really sets me off because there are too many ignorant people out there who like to see others fail rather than try to help someone to accomplish their goal. But hey, that’s just the kind of world that we live in; everyone is always competing when in reality it's pretty much for nothing.