Carlina Ruiz


My name is Carli Ruiz, and I am currently a sophomore here at Dunellen High School. As of now, I am fifteen years old; I will be turning sixteen on December 16th, which is exciting to me. I tend to be an extremely, quiet, conservative person unless I’m around my friends or family; this can be difficult because it’s harder for me to participate in class, but I’ve learned to live with it. Within the recent years, I’ve had a sprouting love for writing and reading and I have tried really hard to improve my overall skills in the subject. I love the creativity and overall expression that can come from writing- whether it be the release of unsaid and repressed feelings or simply a story with meaning about an important topic behind it. A lot of my writing has a hidden depth behind it that somewhat relates to my life or just has some basic inspiration from a song that I find to have a ton of meaning. Overall, I admit that I’m an extremely basic, antisocial human with such an oddly strong level of passion for writing and food- never forget my love for food.

Literary Device Poem

He is the morning sun-

The light that brightens my every day.

He is a thief of my fragile heart,

My stone cold heart made of such fragile glass.

He has a head of happy hopes,

And a heart bigger than the unified world.

A day without him is sweet anguish-so remarkably appalling.

He has become the center of my entire universe,

The sun to my moon,

And the stars to my night sky.

He is swimming in a pit of darkness,

Just by connecting with me-

He is risking everything for a broken girl.

But through it all, everything we’ve been through together-

I couldn’t be happier to call him mine.

250 word free-write: "On Depression"

Depression- it has this way of constantly draining every ounce of life from you. It fills your heart with this weight that drags you down and pulls every bit of color out of your system. The light is no longer, as darkness fills in the blue skies and colors in the crystal ocean with shades of gray- but worst of all it makes those beautiful brown orbs turn black. It’s terrifying- the thought of turning back to my old ways and falling into a deep pit of once again, but I’m afraid it’s reoccurring. On one hand, I can feel that I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, yet I also feel extremely depressed and down- I can feel the color slowly being drained from my sight as everything is replaced with blacks and grays. I can hear him and feel his touch, yet I’m sinking- everything feels as if it is distant, the invisible water around everything slowly but surely drowning me once again. It’s like there’s an anchor tied to my foot that carries all my problems and wrongdoings and stresses, and every time something goes wrong- a weight is added and I get dragged down even more. I have such high hopes for the future and I want it to be with him, but I can't help visualizing the negative and realizing the possibility of the two of us no longer being togetherbeing no longer. He is the only reason I’m trying so hard to not completely sink right now- I’m holding on so much so I don’t do regrettable things but it feels as if every day, it’s becoming ten times harder to grab onto what’s left of the shore. The anchor is no longer visible to my eyes because I’ve been dragged so far down that it’s nearly impossible to visualize life anymore- I can feel everything slipping through my fingers like sand grains slowly slipping and disintegrating through my hands. I can feel him and see him, and I am praying so much that he can fully save me to an extent before I completely fall down a pit of despair once again. I’m falling and I’m struggling to grab on, but I’m gripping on to every ounce of life and trying so hard not to tumble and slip- I know I can do this but I just can’t be alone anymore..