Nick pandel


My name is Nicolas Pandel and I am a senior in Dunellen High School, class of 2018. On January 17, 2001, I was adopted from Nakhodka Russia with my brother Ethan. We were brought to the United States quite young; for we were able to surpass the age of death in our orphanage; which was about fourteen years of age. Being here makes me grateful and sharing my experiences and emotions through writing is why I took this class.

Writing is my breathless pastime, I believe. And using writing as my focal point for my emotions has helped me express myself in ways I wouldn’t have been able to do through word of mouth. Writing in general is an amazing way to show how you can ‘verbally see’ yourself as well as others if you are unable to on-the-spot talk your feelings.

I love listening to music and learning new vocabulary through lyrics. My favorite genre of music is hard rock to metal and the truth behind the passion that they speak through their music influences me to work my way through a labyrinth of my own passionate feel.

Playing guitar and learning new notes gives me a colorful feel for writing. All of the ways I can show my talents and express myself, help me with coming up with beautiful developed ideas that flow through my mind.

I run track now, have played football and wrestled in the past. Teamwork and discipline have helped shape how I am today while I look at the real side of personal issues. Take a journey with me through my writing, reader and take my hand along the way, cheers.

the biggest mistake

Commitment is essence that is based off of trust. Sand is the cott that the sea sleeps upon and the trust is the waves of time crash against a clock of rocks. This trust is the cap of a jar that holds an individual's commitment.

My apologies, for I am dismembered in my own reflection. I was shown that the love that I showed through, was a shadow that roamed my walls. This mirror of development has shown me nothing but cracks that have given bad luck and suspense of the near future.

My biggest mistake- my biggest fear. Falling in love that wasn’t pure. I was swallowed into that sleeping blue sea. A sea of lies, that is, as it was cold murky and bloody water filled with the salt that took the vitamins out of my skin and left me dry. I was dry in the ocean and left to sink down into the abyss. My crinkling skin would wash away nutrients and the salt continued to vacuum the life out of my pores.

I washed upon the sand that the ocean awoke upon. I am worn down and tired. I’d awake with nothing. Nevermore shall I be lied to by the mirror of my reflection. Mistrust forever more, the wake that was left was vicious, and still I’m reeling.

the lie that saved me

It’s always a personal issue. In the eyes that format the deception of others, we all see that there are individuals who nonchalantly throw around a burden. But sure, their feelings are not hurt, their day goes as they’ve wished it to be and their feet remain pounding against the asphalt of lies that they walk upon.

Not only does it conform with distinct rules, but the word “love” is told with aired feelings that people seem to find invisible. Modernly, as you are a young child being lectured by the older generation about how you’re too young to understand what love really is and you have a long way to find it. Now, I do not concur with the statement at hand due to multiple reasons.

Truly, I try not to contradict myself in a confusing way, but I believe that love is a real sincere feeling at hand, nevertheless it can be mislead with the lustrous feeling before true love. I believe that true feelings come from the individual at stake. “I love you” may represent powerful emotion, but then again, could be just words.

My situation is that I believed what I had heard in the past. This monotone “I love you” that skipped on a record table in my mind was only the beginning a downfall of hate and deprivation. I was told that I was loved and it was a lie that continuously tore me limb from limb until I found what I needed to do with myself.

This lie of love has carved a hole in my heart. As I write and vent the fumes of my deceit I relinquish myself in the finest of ways through my corrupt feelings and correct what I haven’t looked at in the longest of time. The lie that was told to me; “I love you”, only keeps showing me its true feeling. Just filling words in your mouth as your lies spill from your pores I stare at the wall between appearance versus reality. Though hurtful, I have been saved from the false pretense of the statement. The negative impact it set on something so fake let me able to cut myself loose of the decaying battle between lust and love. I respect what was, and isn’t now. Cheers.

300 word free write

You were standing there with your hair down. I walked away just as you were; the ombre pattern in your hair visualized wonders and flowed as your strut did with it. The sway of your hair only made watching you walk away just that much more superior. A smile is worth just all the words I’d love to hear reach out from your sublime voice. I’d feel the touch of your skin and it would polarize my emotions like a flowing river of Jordan. The flowing water would act as the innocent feeling of nourishment that develops from my soul for your appearance.

The day the Earth stands still is the day my job will dissipate from your life. Here being the fact that our Earth hasn’t ever stood still; it would now be darkened on one side and light on the other half, and I would be stuck on the darkest side of the Earth because of your disappearance from my life. I would be then unemployed from your cause and I wouldn’t make the happiness that portrays the money I’ve made.

Always in my heart to keep you satisfied, I strive for what pierces your face with that smile worth a thousand words. The crown that shall sit upon your head through anything and everything is the symbol of your worth, my dear. A queen in which you are royal to me, nevertheless not above me in wealth. Our similarities connect like ivy as it wraps us together as one. We are protected by the thorns that hinder out the negative relations of outside source.

I love those eyes that grasp my attention. Though brown and subtle, they beam their light through me. They relax me in ways that temporarily paralyze my vision to the curvature of your face. Your cheekbones and your teeth so perfect, I’d sprint thoughts of you through my head and imagine to trace maps across your body.

Wherever our feet trail to, I know, will always be the dichotomy of what I plan us to maneuver. Steering away from the negative energy, again you are opulently full of strong will for happiness and admiration- that is what you will get. Quintessential to us both, do not fear of the future. Our purple talisman will hang with us for as long as it needs to. That charm is what high-fives our hands together.

Our feet will travel; let's travel the world. Forget the money for a minute and just daydream. Let’s roam the beaches of Cancun. Let’s take perspective pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Let’s go to Australia and take tours of the wildlife. Hold all in your hands, for you are worth the trip around the world.

Twelve real roses, one fake, and I’ll stand with you until the last rose dies. Your many wishes with Dandelions while you’d blow their seeds into the air, wishing to have someone care for you the same way you care for them, let it come true. I’ve noticed in my past and ask myself all the time; why do my flowers always die- why do they die? I believe it to not be my fault in this case, but I shall not make myself the good guy here, but I know I’ve done my deed to others as you deserve the color in the sky. Here, more wishes- Grab the moon and the stars and hold them close. Make a wish for every star you hold and throw them back into the night sky. When the moon swallows the sun’s energy those stars will go out every night and one more will be added back to the beautiful sky when one of your wishes again, finally come true.

500 word free write

The iris in her eye gleamed into a satisfaction that only God himself could hold one to will. Vibrant colors of her authority and lush sprint into visual as she smiles away at me. In a blink of an eye, I am hypnotized. My vision is paralyzed on the radius of her eyes. My mind now full of emotional worth- the apple of my eye- or hers in this case. The bite is what energizes the dashing curtain call of feelings. Butterflies with wings of blue and pink crest of hue around my stomach as if Spring has hollered to Mother Nature to let out the new season. All to go away with hate and anger, I am released. I am absent in her lens of focus throughout. Here is the wind up. That curtain call in me. Here is the gauge of dopamine shooting through one to another. All because of a pair of beautiful eyes.

Emotions say all in which words cannot. Expressed through the channel of her conviction, I am at large with the sensation of purity. The way of one on one communication is disclosed through our perception. Feelings as if they are the moons gravitational pull that moves the ocean waves is in his grip; the clamor of the crash that is spread across the rocks of life are laid out to her. Together, they as one make it all a beautiful natural connection.

But she’s dangerous- that’s all that she is. Piercing eyes and an electrical smile are wired through her body. She’s mechanical- as if it were too perfectly real for an individual to walk, talk and act as so. Cyborg? Ha, maybe so. Her flesh as real as the turning tide rotations on Earth’s land. Energizing- again, she’s filled with that bunny’s pounding drum excitement. Dreams become a reality when one wishes upon that shooting star and gets what they want. When you see it, do you overload? Do you really want to close your eyes? Do you want to explore the great unknown? Take my hand, love. Wander the world with me.

Life can mend your soul but love can break your heart. No worries, for I am strong with courage. Moving on never felt so amazing. You took the spot. The glue to the broken heart. The part that I’d not want to see is starting to show, nevertheless it’s not a terrible burst in life. Breaking through the barriers that hold me drawn away from the outside world gives me the most beautiful and distinct feeling of “new” to explore.

Being drawn to my mind through all, I was still staring into her eyes. Waking up out of a trance, in reality she is still standing in front of my eyes. Her eyes still beaming into mine. Her smile still lit with excitement and lust. I’m speechless like a child is being confronted by a grown figure. Awakening into the real world, I’d approach her directly with the sun on my warm skin. The breeze in my hair and the glasses on my face sit perfectly on my ears like a perfect puzzle piece. What a feeling, and what a view. Forever from now, I am released.

the lost weekend

Not only has it been taken, but it completely vanished from my sense of sight. The moon crosses the forefront of the sun and the darkness blew the proportions of light out of the Earth's median. This “weekend”, as its two day spree grew into the roots of the past , is now watered down; these daysare forgotten, and I can’t comprehend where they have slipped away.

Carbon dioxide filled the small space in my blanket that was surrounding my head. That morning I recall nothing of the last few days that rode away. I lay in bed wondering where my time has gone and I realize that it slipped away without my knowing. I am irresponsible, and I leave a coin for the ferryman every time I obliterate the ideas of the past from my mind. I do not intend to do so; nevertheless, my mind seems to forget what isn’t needed.

But how do I know that these two days are really gone? I see nothing more than the expanse in front of me and the shadows of my past linger away and out of sight in back of me. What sinister spirit has taken away my happiness? My thoughts are run on rusty gears that are starting to break down and disintegrate into nothing but an amber powder that means nothing at all to anything in my life. Every choice I made, for every chance I missed, for every price I pay, everything leads down to what I have always done for you. And into the ocean, I drown into this hollow sea of nothing. This pool of thought; I seem to be waist deep until you hit my mind. I see in these “two days” that I was always alone; alone and lost in paradise. Only what was there and I could not see was that shallow water- and beneath it was a trench leading into the pits of the second circle of hell.

I could have had the time of my life. I could have been searching for a love so pure and true to the eyes, but instead, I’ve smacked against a wall of lies; I was bleeding through my eyes then. I am blind and oblivious to this self-centered sin you call real, nevertheless a needle in my skin and the blood that drips down that wall I have crashed my nose into.

I am unable to tell the difference between hatred and sadness. Saturday is hate, Sunday is sorrow. This thin line between the two is imperceptible to my amaurotic eyes. Forever gone; thankfully but this continuous laugh to my back will not stand. I’m better, maybe not as strong as I’d hope, but don’t get me wrong, my dear. Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn either, or do I? Saturday, or Sunday? Two days it took you to walk out of my life. Take me as you found me, or leave me to die. I already know the answer, unless you plan on to make more condescending lies. Cheers.