
My name is Emily Bravo. I’m fourteen years old. I grew up here in small Dunellen. My childhood had been very good up until middle school, where things began to get rocky. During middle school I wanted to change myself. I would dye my hair all the time and change my style each month. I always wanted to be noticed somehow because I didn't have that many friends. The friends I did have eventually proved to me that they weren’t true friends. Eighth grade was the best grade of my life. I became so much closer to the new friends I had made. I started to do sports during this year and they built me up so much more as a person. The best part of eighth grade had to be meeting the best person in the world. I’m such an ambivert. At times I can be really outgoing but in certain situations I can act very shy. Specific people really do bring out the best in me. I have a very large family that is continuously growing. I am currently a freshman and I really enjoy cheer. Writing and English have to be my strongest subjects. To me, writing is like a language that everyone can understand. It’s a way that people can express themselves and write something that they wouldn’t dare say. I believe that everyone can be amazing writers.

literary device poem

Back to basics

September rolls back around once again

Students together crowding the school like ants carrying a crumb off the ground

The cool morning breeze reminds the students that summer has come to an end

The students walked, certain that the hallway was a catwalk

The smell of brand new books and notebooks filled the classrooms

The sound of happy voices of friends being reunited after school

The soft sound of crisp, rough leaves being stomped on

When the night fall comes the students arrive in a frenzy at night to the park

Watching the football games with such excitement they jump ten feet from their seats

The cold crowd cries with encouragement to the team

Such comfortable and nostalgic noises

Familiar faces all around making the atmosphere feel like a family gathering

The happy people.

It’s back to the basics.

in the middle

When I was a young child I was very naive and depended on everyone in my family so much. In middle school I was always out, hanging with friends constantly. I was so young, but apparently acted old. That was my parents' favorite line to use. My dad would always tell me that if I could do something with my friends I should be able to do things on my own. My friends at the time were pretty screwed in the head and they always did things around me that made me feel uncomfortable. I never said anything because I didn't want to kill the vibe. All they would want to do was go out with their significant others, which, looking back at it, is so ridiculous because we were only kids. They also were just interested in drugs and I would always just watch because I would die if caught doing drugs. We would do so many stupid things, like one time we went on the train tracks and kept jumping back and forth before a train would come. The trains would always blow their whistles when they saw us. At the time it was fun, but as a more mature teen we could have gotten ourselves killed! I can recall all the times where I would tell my parents I would go out with my bestfriend and instead I would hang out with completely different people. The worst feeling ever had to be going home and listening to my mom talk about how I was different from my sisters and that she really did trust me. I wanted to be the perfect little girl for my parents, but I also wanted to act like my friends. I was seriously caught in the middle. As time progressed, friends faded and childhood was evaporating. I really did finally become mature; even my parents could see it. I left all my friends and started getting closer to some people that were more like me. I really changed a lot from middle school and I'm really proud about that.