angel suarez


Hi, I am Angel Suarez. I am 16 year old junior at Dunellen High School. I was born on January 12th, 2001 in a city called Bayonne in New Jersey. I moved to Dunellen when i was 4 years old and have been living here ever since. I play sports for the high school such as football and basketball. In football I play as a tight end and defensive lineman. In basketball I play as a center and power forward. My favorite hobby is lifting weights. I really enjoy to go to the gym whenever i possibly can. I also really enjoy cutting hair. This is more of a job for me though because I do cut a lot of my friends hair and get paid for it. I only charge 10 dollars a haircut. I love animals as I have 2 dogs. One of the dogs is a Rottweiler and the other is a Yorkshire Terrier.

a time when i could have been more open-minded

Mark was in the midst of a casual day of school and talking to his friends, just like any other day of the week, when things took a sudden turn. He and his friends started talking about politics, and Mark was very supportive of Donald Trump. He felt that Donald Trump was and has been a great president for us. His friends were talking about the issue of Donald Trump being racist, and Mark took complete offense to this. His friends had said that Trump speaks out of turn and does not have a filter at all when he is talking. Mark was angered by this, and he was calling his friends inappropriate names and was yelling at them as though he were a child. Mark took no consideration to what they were saying and felt as if he was being attacked, so he went at his friends in an overaggressive manner. Mark’s friends felt like Mark was being a little too serious and mean about the discussion. Mark may have hurt his friends’ feelings without knowing it; he was speaking about something that he was highly emotional about. Mark later realized that he had been a bit harsh in the conversation and realized that next time he should be a little nicer and more understanding of other people's views and opinions. He hurt his friends accidentally; if Mark had been more open-minded he wouldn't have hurt them and would have seen their ideas more clearly. Mark should listen to others’ ideas before speaking, and should respect that everybody has an opinion; people should not be disrespected because of their views. Mark knew that the next time he would be in a discussion like this he would be a lot more understanding and value his friends’ opinions in a respectable way.


I like football games

They are fun but make me sore

It is the best sport

Rice and beans are good

Hot Wings are my favorite

Blue cheese helps the spice

The gym is the best

Lifting weights is a lifestyle

I lift weights often

I cut my friends' hair

Cutting hair is a good skill

It is fun to fade

I can cut hair well

My dad taught me how to cut

I cut his hair too

Vacations are nice

I want to go to Brazil

The weather is great

I like the summer

The winter makes me annoyed

Cold weather makes me sick

Music makes me happy

Hype songs are my favorite

R&B is good

Kobe is the GOAT

He has five championships

Kobe shakes and bakes

Football is so fun

I play tight end in football

I also play D-Tackle