Giana Caldwell

Don’t Get Between a Girl and Her Ice Cream

She was absolutely perfect in every way. I would watch from afar while she scoops vanilla ice cream into waffle cones and gave it to another disgusting, snot-nosed kid. I would be very hesitant about walking in and talk to her. I’d only worked enough courage to step into the cold shop once, and then immediately step out. Although who can blame me, that girl’s beauty is intimidating.

However, that day was different. I knew I had to face my fears and at least order an ice cream cone. Even a loser like me should somehow be able to face his fears and talk to a pretty girl. At least, I hope. So I finally got the courage to take a couple steps into the store and maybe, just maybe, say hi.

The store was freezing and had a faint smell of mint. The walls and furniture were all white, but all the menus and bowls were pastel pink. It felt like walking through that door was the same as getting a hug from Frosty the Snowman. I was hit with sudden joy, but also fear and dread. I guess that's what you feel when you meet someone who steals your heart in a matter of three seconds. But does love at first sight even-

“Sir? Are you okay?” I heard an angelic voice ask. “You’ve been standing there for 3 minutes.”

I snapped out of my existential dread and realized a line of angry mother’s and annoyed children had formed behind me. But, most importantly, the girl of my dreams was right in front of me. Her beautiful brunette hair and her shiny green eyes, I knew I was in love. Her freckles were placed wonderfully across her nose and cheeks. Her beauty was amazing, but it wasn’t helping me think of a response.

“Oh, uh, sorry… can I have a cone with a scoop of vanilla please.” I said quietly.

“Alright sir, I’ll get you that in a moment!” She said and then scurried to the ice cream freezer.

I didn’t want to awkwardly stand in a line of impatient families, so I decided to sit down in the corner of the shop. As I made my way over the smell of mint slowly faded, and a new, potent slapped me across the face. It was the worst thing I’ve ever smelt in my nineteen years of living. But I didn’t want to make a fool of myself anymore, so I started holding my breath. This was a bad idea, to say the least.

“Here is your ice crea-” she said, but was soon interrupted by a very well needed gulp of air.

I thought this was going to be the worst moment of my life, but I was somehow mistaken. Even though my obvious anxiety and the giant blush plastered on my face, she started to giggle. That giggle soon turned into a full-blown laugh. Before I knew it, I was laughing too. I didn’t want to be, but everything about her was contagious. As soon as we made eye contact I felt as if I was under her spell. I didn’t know love could be so… disturbing.

“C’mon try it!” the joy on her face intensified.

“Excuse me?” I said confused.

“The ice cream silly,” She laughed and I felt embarrassment rush across my face. “I made it myself.”

“Oh, of course,” I stuttered.

She handed me the cone and I felt a rush of chills throughout my body. The ice cream was in very neat and cute swirl. This cone gave me a very strange feeling. It was so innocent, yet I was too terrified to even look at it, let alone eat it. I looked over at the girl and realized how long I was making her wait. I started to sweat and realized I had to get over my nerves and just eat it. I stuck my tongue out and licked big portion of the ice cream. I immediately felt the need to vomit after putting my tongue back in my mouth. The taste of pure vanilla extract punched me in the face. Though, this wasn’t the only taste. There was a faint metallic taste, but when paired with the pungent vanilla taste, was barely noticeable. I looked at up at her and realized she had never taken her eyes off me. Her smile was much bigger than before and her eyes were wide and stared right into me. I felt the need to run, but I was so close that I couldn’t give her up now.

“I like you,” she winked at me and slapped the ice cream cone out of my hand. “I decided to take my lunch break, so why don’t you come with me?”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Such a beautiful girl would never want to be with a guy like me. I’m just a random nerd in college that only goes home and plays obscure indie games on Steam, I didn’t understand why she was interested. Before I could even think, I started moving. I didn't say a word, I couldn’t say a word. Someone else was in control of my body.

“Where are we going?” I heard myself say in a very robotic tone.

“Someplace special!” She cheerfully announced.

We made it up to the freezer the giant freezer door in the backside of the shop. I barely even remember moving my feet in this direction, let alone even saying yes to this. There was a small keypad and she quickly put in a code. The door automatically opened and then I realized where that smell was coming from.

“Come inside!” she exclaimed, still cheerful, but now a giant smile and big eyes were staring directly at me.

As I walked into the freezer she pushed me in. I fell to the ground a heard the tapping of heels next to my face. I looked up and saw fully decapitated human head. I couldn’t decide who it was considering all of the recognizable features were almost completely gone. The hair was short and jagged, the eyes were gone, and the whole jaw was removed. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. No one was going to come save me.

She sat me upright and I could see the ice cream scooper in her hand. She didn't take any time to start jabbing directly into my right eye socket and pulled out everything she could. I heard a snap and only saw darkness. I wanted to cry, but my body wouldn’t let me. She threw my missing eye to the ground and slowly stomped on it with her heel. It broke apart and parts of eyeball were flying everywhere. Most of it landed on me and she started laughing. This was not the adorable laugh from before, but a sinister, psychotic chant.

She did the same ritual to my left eye, well at least I think. I couldn’t see anymore and my body went numb. Although, this numbness wasn’t an advantage. I soon felt a sharp object penetrate right under my ribcage. The, what I presume to be a knife, was stabbing me in the bottom of my torso. I stopped trying to put up a fight, this wasn’t my body anymore. I belonged to her now, and I couldn’t change that. In a matter of twenty minutes, I’d lost everything.

The stabbing soon stopped and I heard the knife and scoop fall to the ground. My body was so cold that I couldn’t even feel the pain anymore. She started laughing again and kicked me so I fell on the cold freezer floor. I was rolled onto a pile and was left there.

“I’ll leave you here,” she whispered. “You’ll be a great, new flavor for the kiddies to try.”

She laughed and her footsteps started getting farther away. I heard the door shut behind her and all my dreams were broken. I was left there to die. I started to let the freezing floor take me and let me leave this nightmare.

Giana Caldwell is currently a sophomore at Dunellen High School. She finds love and comfort in the world of music and writing. She is a part of the DHS Drama Club and the DHS Concert Choir. Outside of school she often writes her own music and performs whenever she gets the chance. She hopes that one day her music and writing can reach others and can share that same love and passion.