Kim Hoang


Hey what’s up? My name is Kim and I am a senior at Dunellen High School. Not only am I a part of the Spectrum, but I am also involved with cross country, track & field, Spanish club, student council, and many other extracurricular activities. I really enjoy getting involved with school and meeting new people. I work at the local Dunellen Movie Theatre, and fun fact, the name is misspelled in front of the theater. If you are ever walking around town, you can check it out! My favorite color is orange, but I never wear it. I also really love giraffes. Please help out the giraffes and prevent them from becoming endangered by donating to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation ( If you want to stay updated with my life (or if you want to become best friends!), you can follow my Instagram (K.HNG), Tumblr (CrookedlyCasualDream), or Snapchat (kimmy_kimothy).

dhs conspiracy theories

Conspiracy Theories: Dunellen Edition

Brendon Tran is Kim Jong Un. This theory explains why Brendon is constantly absent from school. Brendon has to secretly travel from Dunellen all the way to North Korea to fulfill his responsibilities as their leader, yet maintain his low key high school senior life. He claims to be suffering various illnesses that make it impossible for him to attend school for consecutive numbers of days. During these “sick” days, Brendon is actually participating in secret government meetings and preparing for nuclear war.

Davia and Jordan are twins with psychedelic powers. Davia and Jordan have always felt that there was a missing piece in their lives, but they never could figure out what it was. However, ever since Davia and Jordan met, they both felt a strange connection. During their first encounter, Davia and Jordan simultaneously started to frantically shake and wave their hands in front of them. They whispered out a slight stutter as they began saying each other’s names, and at that moment, they knew they had a special gift. From that day forward, Davia and Jordan have been able to contact each other through multiple hand gestures.

Chloe has a foot fetish. One day Chloe decided to play a game of “Footsies” underneath the table and that triggered Nick. Nick confronted Chloe and she revealed that she gets a warm feeling when she comes into contact with feet. She gets a sensation that cannot be described. She constantly makes claims that deny her love of feet, but deep down inside, feet are her true passion. To most people, Chloe’s love for feet may still seem like a mystery, however, this quote from Ms. Dale herself says otherwise, “I don’t mind feet.”


Spring flowers blooming

Trees and plants growing from dirt

Animals come out

Two thousand eighteen

One step closer to freedom

Wed., June twenty-first

Jazz music playing

Historical monuments

No place like NOLA

Wind hitting my cheek

Snowflakes dancing on my face

Swirls of ice drops

Leaves changing color

Yellow, orange, purple, brown

Winter coming soon

Sun’s rays on my face

Waves crashing into the sand

Sea Salt in my hair

Chaotic dancing

Music blasting all around

Flashing lights shining

Love, peace, happiness

You should be loving someone

Find tranquility

London, Paris, Rome

Hoping to travel the world

Stuck in wanderlust

Future coming soon

Becoming independent

Starting adulthood