Jacob Senewe


The mother grabs the pan heats up the stove getting everything prepared but one thing was still the missing, the main ingredient: meat. The mother tells her daughter that if she can go get some meat at the store. As the daughter was going to head out the mother reminds her to bring a knife just in case anything happens, for their town isn’t the safest town. She heads down toward the street and the next, the roads are empty and so silent that one can hear a pin drop. Ahead the daughter can finally see the illuminated sign that reads, “open.” As the girl approaches closer, she sees a teenage boy outside selling candy for a fundraiser. With generosity the daughter gladly pays for the candy to the point she had no money to buy the meat. Scared of the consequences the girl tries to be quick on her feet and remembers that there is a cemetery nearby and there is a random body that was left there but there is rumor that the body was haunted.

She runs as fast as if a killer clown was chasing her to her death, and finally arrives at the cemetery. Scouting the area she sees a body lying at the entrance of the cemetery. As she got out her knife a chill jolted up her spine. As she made the first cut she something felt peculiar about the atmosphere but she ignores it. Every cut that she made, oozed out blood and flesh giving her a nauseating look. Fighting the urge to puke she finally had a cut out a piece of the leg. She sprinted all the way home as if she was running a hundred meter dash and arrives at the house.

She gives the raw flesh to the mother, and the mother questions the type of meat she had given her,

“What is this?” questioned the mother.

“It’s a new meat, they’re just recently selling it,” responded the daughter. It was too late for her mother to tell her to go buy another one so the mother just cooks it. The smell of the smoke reeked throughout the house giving it a weird stench. When the mother had finished cooking the flesh and now is served. The mother asks everyone to come down to eat dinner, and everyone did. They feasted except for the daughter, she even felt nauseous when she saw her family eating.

“Honey, is everything fine,” asked the curious mother.

“Yes, everything's ok, but is it fine if i can just go upstairs, ”

“Sure,” She heads upstairs not bearing the fact that her family is eating human flesh. She cannot believe what she had done, it felt almost sin like. She tried to sleep on the weird emotion that she had. A few hours had gone by everyone had went to sleep and now the daughter was awakened by an awful nightmare. She jolted up from her bed almost to the urge of screaming. She gets her act together and decides that she probably just needs a glass of water. As walks down stairs she hears a strange tapping noise in the living room window, she thought it was nothing and did not mind the peculiar sound. However the more she ignored it the more louder it became. From tapping to banging from banging to actually sounding like punching the window. The daughter had now turned pale and is confused of what to do.

The blinds were close so that meant that the daughter was going to have to open the blinds to see who it is. Slowly, she approaches the window taking step by step, she finally reaches to the window. She takes one breathe and swiftly turns the blinds to see the dead body the she had cut from earlier. The dead body’s had spoken a creepy dialect and the eyes had a slime green glow which stopped the girl’s movement. The body breaks in a moves in a jerking motion and takes her to the graveyard.

The dead body had reached the graveyard unseen and spoke its spine chilling dialect which lifts the girl off the ground and places her into an open hole that was dug out by the dead body. During mid air, the dead body had said the dialect which caused her to fall into the hole where she cannot get out. She screamed at the top of her lungs but sadly no can hear. The dead body starts to bury her alive and now she has given up. Once it was finished the dead body had sat back down where he first saw the girl and the glowing green eyes and slowly faded away.

Jacob Senewe was born on May 31 2002, in Belleville, New Jersey. Growing he had interests in sports such as basketball, and music instruments like, drums, piano, and guitar. Senewe attempt to pursue his dreams of being an athlete, and if not successful, will study music to become a musician.