Diana Baldera

Part of A Body Bitten Away

Sally is on vacation with her parents and five year old sister. They are in Mexico, where the weather is nice and people are respectful. The hotel room is a decent size, and there is a hot tub on the patio. Every day Sally went with her little sister to the pool, right across from their hotel room. Her parents argued a lot when she left, whether who was right and who was wrong.

¨I told you we should've gone to Dominican Republic,¨ said Mrs. Don.

¨NO! We´re fine here. The weather is nice and our kids are having fun,¨ said Mr. Don.

¨When the kids get back from the pool we are having a talk with them,¨ said Mrs. Don.

Sally is in the beach while, her little sister is sitting down on the sand. She enjoys the water, especially since it is warm. All of a sudden a shark starts approaching her. The shark starts shaking her to take a bite out of her leg. It was a small shark, not very noticeable.

¨Why is the water filled with blood? Oh my God, it's my leg!¨ yelled Sally.

Everyone rushed to help her. They all grabbed rocks and tried killing it. Even if they did kill it Sally´s right leg was gone forever.

¨NO! Don't kill it; it's just a baby shark!¨ yelled Sally

¨What do you mean don't kill it? It just took your leg off,¨ someone in the crowd yelled.

¨Yes, I know but it was just hungry,¨ Sally explained.

No one understood her, but somehow they listened to her. They called the ambulance and rushed her to the hospital, because she was losing a lot of blood. There they called her parents. The only way to save her was to cut off her leg.

¨Yes, cut off my leg because I don't need it and I hate walking,¨ complained Sally.

The doctors were surprised because she was the only patient that ever said that. After twenty minutes her parents came rushing to the emergency room.

¨Don´t cut off my daughter´s leg!” begged Mr. Dom as he held Sally´s hand.

¨Cut it off. I have never seen a doctor cut off someone's leg in front of me,¨ said Mrs. Don.

¨Mom! What's wrong with you,¨ yelled Sally.

¨Nothing. If they do cut your leg off, I would like to see it,¨ said Mrs. Don.

The doctors suggested Mr. Don and Sally´s little sister leave the emergency room because they were about to perform surgery on her. The only one who stayed was Mrs. Don, who was very excited to see the surgery start.

¨When are you guys starting the surgery?¨ asked Mrs. Don.

That was the only thing she was worried about. She was not worried about the pain Sally was going to experience.

The surgery started and Sally was put to sleep. Mrs. Don was not able to see that much of the surgery, because the doctors did not allow her to. Sally´s leg was not longer there after two hours and a half. After a few minutes of the surgery she had woken up. She looked to see if her leg was really gone.

¨I feel weird without my leg,¨ complained Sally.

She did not know what to do with her life anymore.

¨Nothing will ever be the same, and I need both of you to stick by my side. It hasn't been a day and I regret agreeing with the doctors to cut off my leg,¨ said Sally.

Mr. and Mrs. Don both looked at each other, because they were both thinking of getting a divorce. They agreed with Sally in a weird way. They did not know if it was a good time to get a divorce right now.

¨Let's go home and talk about what is going to happen now,¨ suggested Mr. Don

They all went back to the hotel room.

¨I finally won´t have to do anything around the house, because I don't have a right leg,¨ laughed Sally

¨Oh, don´t worry about that, Sally. We will try and find a new leg, so you will have to help us clean around the house,¨ said Mrs. Don.

Sally knew that wasn't gonna happen. For some part she was happy the shark bit off her leg. She was able to treat her family as slaves, who had to do everything she asked for. Her parents did not know what to do with her. She struggled a lot. Sally got frustrated every time she couldn't do something she enjoyed. She knew she wasn't going to join the track team this spring and that killed her inside.

A week later her attitude changed. Sally was mean and rude to her little sister.

¨Hurry up and pass me my drink,¨ demanded Sally.

¨Don´t listen to her,¨ said Mr. Don

¨She has to because I can´t get up and get it myself. Do you want me to break my other leg?¨ said Sally.

Mr. Don did as she asked. She treated them as slaves because she wasn't able to walk.

Diana Baldera is a sophomore at Dunellen High School. Diana does not like writing a lot because she struggles with starting and ending a story. She use to participate in many sports as a young child but she stuck with volleyball. Since then she has been playing for six years.