Food Insecurity in Yemen

Savannah Jackway completed the Global Capstone Scholar project in the spring of 2022 during her junior year of high school. Her interests started with a video she watched freshmen year on food insecurity. While watching this video as a 14 year old she felt horrible for those who do not have enough to afford a healthy meal for their families. She knew right then she wanted to create a change for those who did not have enough to have a healthy meal or even a meal at all. Throughout this research process that she has completed, she has learned that overall Yemen is struggling the most to provide meals daily to those in their country. She soon learned that the United States has stopped giving Yemen foreign aid due to the recent civil war and COVID-19 impacting their lives. With no aid being given they have been left to fend for themselves and many have died due to starvation. She has created a GoFundMe page to create awareness and collect donations to send to the organization "Save the Children" that is working Yemen to support the individuals there. The site is filled with personal stories and what is going on in Yemen. Working with individuals all around the world helped her come understanding that they need extreme awareness brought to their situation and support from organizations around the world. 


Capstone Narrative 

Savannah Jackway - Illinois Global Scholar - Narrative