Application Process

2024 Application Process:  

Step 1 due by Friday, Feb. 23rd, Steps 2-3 due by Feb. 28

STEP 1 – Fill out the Student Information Form to let the Global Academy team know you are applying!

Click Here for GA Student Information Form

Not sure what you've completed or whether your teachers have completed their forms? Check the list HERE once you've completed the Student Information Form to keep track! Ms. Sharkey will update this list every few days once the application process begins - so check in if you believe you are missing something--   

STEP 2 –Request TWO Teacher Recommendations - (Cannot be Ms. Sharkey)

Click here for email template to ask for recommendation from teacher

Teachers can complete the Teacher Recommendation HERE

STEP 3 – Submit an Online Application which includes your information, a personal statement, a list of classes you have taken and are currently taking that fulfill Global Academy requirements (See Checklist), and your interested specialization statement.

APPLICATION SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE: Email Ms. Sharkey to get help with your questions!

Click here to Submit your Online Application (Google Form)

STEP 4 - Complete a in person interview on Friday 3/1. All interviews will be in the hub collaboration rooms. Sign up with available times to come soon once number of applicants is known. If you have to miss a class for your interview, please check with your teacher ahead of time, but you will be marked SA (school activity) in attendance.


STEP 5 –  Upon review of the application, you will receive a confirmation email that all parts of your application have been received & confirming your time for your interview.