Frequently Asked Questions

When can I start taking Global Academy classes?  

Now! You can start taking Global Academy courses starting out high school as a freshman. You can start by taking Global Citizenship OR by taking some of the courses in the specializations that are available to freshmen.

When do I apply to be in the Global Academy? 

The Global Academy application process opens in the spring of each year to sophomores.  Students go through the application process and then interview with a panel of teachers, administrators, and community members.  

What is the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate? 

The Illinois Global Scholar Certificate allows Illinois school districts to awards merit, on the state approved transcript to students who demonstrate global competence through coursework, service learning, global collaboration, and a summative capstone project.  The Global Academy is designed to allow students a chance to complete the requirements for the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate within the programs designed. More information is available at 

Do I need any special skills to be in the Academy?  

The academy is open to everyone.  You do not need any special classes or grades prior to entry.  Students who do well in the academy are interested in the world around them and issues that are throughout the world, are interested in a variety of career fields within the specializations, like to solve problems and interact with others around the world, and who are dedicated to becoming better citizens by collaborating and working with others.

What do I do once I am in the academy?  

You will keep taking globally focused course work to complete toward the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate. The three Global Academy courses include Global Citizenship, Global Seminar, and Global Capstone, which give a basis for understanding and exploring the global world. Additional classes should also be completed within each Specialization (chosen at application to the academy) as well as foreign language and social studies. Students will also gain points from extracurriculars to go toward their completion of the academy.

What courses are required for Global Academy Graduates?  

In order to receive the Illinois Global Scholar Certificate and graduate from the Global Academy students should have 8 globally focused courses including 3 years of Foreign Language, Global Citizenship, Global Seminar, Global Capstone, a World studies course (Global Studies, AP World History, AP Human Geography), and one additional course within a specialization. Students should also complete activities within the areas of Global Collaboration and Service Learning either within a course or independently.

What are the Specializations? 

Specializations are areas of study within Huntley High School to give you a guideline to follow while exploring the Global World. Students will pick a specialization of interest when applying to the academy and will take additional courses within that area of focus. Most are courses that are already available to all students, and that often students interested in that field will complete -- the Global Academy shows the ability to focus and gives a guide of courses through different departments that are available.

When can I start counting my points toward the Global Academy?  

Now! Points can be awarded for all coursework and extracurricular activities for all 4 years of high school. 

If you are interested in additional information: 

Ms. Anne Sharkey at or Rich Kurek at