
A tennis player's day-to-day life is practicing getting ready for competitions, having fun, developing strategies, gaining new ideas, and ranking up from the bottom eight to the top ten also experiencing working conditions while moving to the center.

Tennis players experience practicing every day even if they don't have a competition, they will always be working hard.

“We don't have a competition for us at least not this season, but we are practicing more so we might go to one if we meet expectations,” tennis player Tim Portalis said.

Tennis players learn new strategies and the fun of the game.


“We all like tennis. It is a fun and educational sport where we learn hand-eye coordination and leadership skills,” tennis player Brady Boccioni said.

Tennis players describe why they joined tennis and like playing it.

“I joined because we like how easy it is to learn and how many strategies there are to win,” tennis player Raven Nickoles said.

Tennis players describe their placement on the team and how they go from bottom to top.

“I'm in the top 10 of us girls. We all love this sport with a passion and we will be doing this until we graduate,” tennis player Isabelle Stevens said.

Tennis players practice under conditions that require focus and effort.

“The conditions are not that hard but if we don't focus, the coach will work us to the core until we can't move our arms,” tennis player Noe Urbunera said.

By: Micheal Lilley