How to Improve School Functions

With Homecoming fresh in our mind, every student in attendance probably has a story to tell of their magical night out; getting dressed up, going out to dinner, and then dancing the night away with friends. Yet, There's still something to improve on.

I interviewed two students, one Zoey Nofchissey, and Jordan Quinn, both of whom agree that meeting up with friends trumped the act of dancing in and of itself.

When Prompted with how they enjoyed their evening, they reponded with thus:

Zoey Nofchissey, Junior

Jordan Quinn, Senior

"Homecoming was fun, but I’d say only because I kept good company."

"It was okay for about an hour and a half and then I left."

Neither seemed particularly jazzed about their footloosing experience, but they both seemed to enjoy it well enough.

What was the highlight of their evening?

"Highlight of my evening was the photo booth"

"Dancing. That was about it. Then meeting up with a couple of other people. That’s the only thing you can do at homecoming."

It's said that the best things in life are free, and a free photo booth was certainly a great idea. Yet why was it? perhaps because it broke up the monotony of the night?

What Ideas do they have to improve the night as a whole?

    "Honestly, there’s gotta be something more to do at these events, especially dances. Just dancing and sitting around isn’t fun at all. There’s gotta be, you know, other activities? Or at the very least free drinks and snacks. Making us pay even more for a snack is extremely shady and infuriating, seeing as we already pay a ton of money to get into the dance." 

   "Add some sorts of activities. I know homecoming is about dancing and such but like when you play some crap songs; don’t even put on the cuban shuffle. And you’re sweaty for half an hour, and you’re like, I’m gonna take some photos with friends, which is gonna take another hour in a more hot area then that’s just annoying. I would improve on the dispensing of drinks making me have to take thirty shots of water just to keep me hydrated. They just needed to add more to it. Add an area where you can just stretch out. Like homecoming carnival sounds amazing. If they just ahve the carnival and the dance together, like you can play games and dance Homecoming was what, from 8-11. That was 3 hours of hot sweaty dancing. Intervalled with cold water you had to repeatadly do. I got out of there 2 hours before I should’ve. I was sweaty, and it was annoying."

And thus the student body has spoken. Any student council members reading this, please keep it in mind. Maybe get the clubs involved, have cheap snacks for free, make a real night of it, play some slow songs, show the students a good time instead of having them make their own fun. Then it'd really be a night to remember.