New Year's Resolutions

What was your new year's resolution and have you stuck with it?

My new year's resolution was to achieve more this year and to be more productive. I’ve actually stuck with it. - Byannca Lujan 11th

My new year's resolution is to get all A’s to achieve that I've been turning in all my work for my classes -Alexis George 10th

My new year's resolution is to not worry about everything so much and I stuck with it by just going with the flow and just remind myself everything will be okay -Alexis Morgan 11th

My new year's resolution is basically to like to stay active and try to manage my time wisely. I've definitely not stuck with staying active, I haven't made any changes. With managing time i feel like i have definitely improved but I’m still struggling to not procrastinate - Karol Pozo 11th

My new year's resolutions was that I wanted to start working out, definitely did not stick to it though - Jenna Teeter 11th

This year I've chosen the word "value". I feel a shift within my intentions this year already, it's been amazing to see how a small shift in vision can lead to different choices that set me up for an overall better position in life. As this is my fourth year with this method, I believe it does stick by guiding my year with a general goal that is applicable to many facets of my life rather than just one. - Ms. Amos Child Services 

My new year's resolution is to stay positive. I'm sticking to it by finding daily motivation - Ms. Britton Dance Teacher

My new year's resolution is to get better at soccer, I’m sticking to it by practicing to get better- Jade Fuller 10th

My new year's resolution is to try to control my temper. I'm maintaining it by thinking about my grandchildren and knowing that I have to set a good example for my grandchildren.- Mr. Richburg Aquatic Science 12

My new year's resolution is to keep track of my health better by taking my medicine and actively looking for things that help as I haven't been good at keeping track in the past.- Kaitlin Burns 9th

My new year's resolution for this year was to do all my school work and not use my phone as much as I previously used to. So far I have kept with my resolution and have been using my phone less frequently and finishing all my school work. Luis Salinas 12th 

 My new year's resolution for 2022 is to be happier, I have been sticking with it so far. I try multiple things to keep up with it like trying new hairstyles, makeup, or shopping. - Daniella Flores 12th 

My new year's resolution was to not text my ex, I failed miserably. thanks for listening. Arianna Cole 10th

My new year’s resolution is to be my best self and push myself to my limit because these are the years that count and they matter the most and I have stuck with it so far Giselle Haylett 10th

My new year’s resolution is to help my sister and mom do better around the house. I also will like to get better times in track and so far I have been working to accomplish this goal - Brianna Chatman Freshman 

My goal for 2022 is to accomplish the goals of 2021 which I should have done in 2020 because I made a promise in 2019 and planned them in 2018 so I’ve been working on it for a couple years now - Mr. Jeffery Peterson Algebra II Teacher 

My new year’s resolution for this year was to go to the gym more often and to better myself. But so far this year I have not been to the gym that much and I am hoping I’ll change that. - Skyler Gallien Senior

My new year’s resolution for this year was to work more on perseverance and I actually have stuck with it so far this year. -Alyssa Harris Junior 

My goal for 2022 is to better myself in school and in life in general. maybe start going to the gym. -Ruth Vaduva 12th grade

My 2022 resolution is to get back in shape and get my body looking a way I can be proud of -Morgan Bowley 12th grade 

 By: Lydia Cushingberry and Judith Hernandez Merino