Restoring the Past

Known as the flagship of Conroe, CHS has been shaping the future of students and creating a sense of community within its walls ever since the early 1920's. While students and staff all have had different experiences in our school. Our school has always been about making memories and getting together to celebrate tiger pride. 

The school has always been a supportive community of administrators and friends that will help create memories.

“A lot of the memories I made were mostly with people and friends, I also met a lot of teachers and supportive administrators, who inspired me to become the teacher which I am today,” English teacher Mrs. Gomez said.

From students to teachers their journey exemplifies the impact of inspirational educators, that have guided and shaped them.

“Five of my former students I have seen, who are now teachers here, came from inspiration from teachers.” History teacher Mr. Chandlers said.

These hallways, and areas of the school are huge parts of peoples lives. Not only friends have been made but also families.

“I saw this funny post which said to name your first child’s name after the place you got married, my daughter's name is Anne which is one letter off from the annex which is where I met my husband.” Gomez said.

All types of clubs and after school activities have a purpose to create a sense of community. There are also events that bring students and teachers together.

“Things like the triumph, gardening club, DND, and more are some clubs that are provided to help promote a lot of community.” History teacher Mr. Chandler said.

Pep rallies and spirit days are a way that our school demonstrates a sense of community and school pride.


      “Pep Rallies and Spirit days are days where students and teachers all have a great time,” Chandler said.


Many ask when our construction will end, the answer is hard to provide. As our students continue to grow so will our school alongside them. We will continue to build our school to accommodate the needs and new people that will continue to join us. Our students are shaping our school, as they grow so will we.

By: Renzo Cruz and Mia Renee Moya