Sept 11-15

Copy of Back to school newsletter 2022

The first two days were a whirlwind but I managed to get a few pictures of our activities. The first 3 pictures are of our first day. We started the day colouring a picture to document their current colouring abilities and how they write their names. In the afternoon we explored with some math manipulatives that we will use throughout the year. This was just an open ended activities to see what they would do with the manipulatives. Some made patterns, towers, rocketships. Some sorted by colour, shape and size. They were very engaged and creative!

On Friday, we introduced scissors and glue sticks. We focused on cutting in a straight line but some got fancy and cut circles for the toppings on their salad. The students also got to visit the gym for their first phys.ed class. 

In the coming week, we will continue learning about the rules and routines in our classroom and we will focus a lot on recognizing our names and the names of our classmates.