October 3rd-6th

We had a busy week! We had two fire drills and a bus evacuation practice. For the second fire drill the fire chief came to ring the alarm. They thought we all did a great job getting out quickly. Students are settling in to the routines of the day well and they make sure to tell me if I've forgotten something! 


Fundations is off to a great start. We will continue to review the sounds /t/ /b/ and /f/ during our Drill Sounds work out and we will introduce the letters /m/ and /n/ this week. Through storytelling we will review Characters, Setting, Problem and Solution. We will also touch on how feelings can change.

In Writer's Workshop we will be working on drawing and labelling pictures to tell what we are thankful for as we talk about Thanksgiving.


We will continue exploring numbers to 5, counting sets and comparing which groups have more/less/the same. We will focus on learning to print the number 4. I will post a few cute videos we have been watching in math to practice subitizing (recognizing a group of objects quickly without counting).


Walk to School Day

To celebrate this day, Glen Stewart Primary School will be a hosting a walk to school day on Wednesday, October 4th.  A rain date will be planned for the following day, Thursday, Oct. 5th.   Students and families who would like to participate in this event are to meet at the Stratford Town Hall by 7:35 a.m. with a departure at 7:45 a.m. sharp.

We are asking parent(s) and /or guardians to join their child on the walk. Parking will be available at the town hall. Families will gather on the trail adjacent to Shakespeare Dr. across from the the Stratford Town Hall. There will be additional chaperones joining us on the walk. There will also be volunteers that will be helping students to cross both Shakespeare Dr. and Glen Stewart Dr. Refreshments will be provided to all participants at the end of the walk.  This will be made available in the gym.  Please enter the school through the main doors.

Dates to Remember:

October 4th- Walk to School Day (Raindate October 5th)

October 9th Thanksgiving Monday

October 11th K English School pictures 

October 27th PD day NO SCHOOL