Nov 27- Dec 1

Hello Everyone,

Can you believe Friday is December 1st! The time is flying! There was lots of excitement this morning talking about the Santa Parade and other Christmas activities happening at home. Thank you all for coming to Parent Teacher Interviews. It was so nice to get to tell you all how wonderful your children are. I am so blessed to have such a great bunch of boys and girls this year. Report Cards will go home on Wednesday.

Tomorrow we will welcome a new student into our classroom. Her name is Nayeli. The students met her briefly today and they are looking forward to her joining us tomorrow. Welcome Nayeli!

Over the next week we are going to be doing some talking about "Feelings" using a program called "A Little Spot of Feelings." I will add a link to the first book which we read today. It talks about a little spot who is all mixed up and confused because his feelings are all tangled up. We will begin identifying the feelings and focus a little bit on each one. We will continue throughout the year with a variety of lessons.


This week we are entering unit 9 in Fundations. We have 3 letters this week. The letters are, /l/ /h/ and /k/. They are all Skyline letters. Please follow the verbal pathways especially when making the k as its a little tricky. This week we will work on word endings. There is a list of words in the parent note that you can work from. You can also use a picture book, point to the picture and ask your child to tell you the last sound in the word. 


We will be finishing up patterns this week. Today we talked about how we can sort objects into two group. One group is called A and the other is called B. Students had a great time making many different pattern. AB patterns, ABB patterns, AABB patterns, AAAB patterns and many more. Tomorrow we will work with 3 groups of objects and see what they come up with. Here's a little challenge. If students would like to make a pattern with objects at home take a picture and send it to me. I will show the class and they can decide what kind of pattern it is.

Christmas Concert:

The Christmas Concert will be on Tuesday December 5. Tomorrow you will get an envelope with two tickets for the afternoon concert and two tickets for the evening concert. If you know you will not be using any of the tickets please send them back and they will be distributed to those who would like more. Our class is going to be snowflakes. I will be making a snowflake headband with them this week. They can dress in whatever you see fit for the concert. There is no special dresscode. 

Important Dates:

December 5th Kindergarten Christmas Concert 1pm and 6pm

Have a great week.

Julie Redmond