Nov 20-24th

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Thank you to everyone  who has already booked a time to meet. If you haven't had a chance to do so please book a time before Wednesday. If this week doesn't for you perhaps we can find another time.  Last week we introduced some nursery rhymes. We will continue to have fun with a few more this week as we work on rhyming and sequencing.


This week we will introduce /p/ and /j/. Our new trick word will be like. The kindergarten team has decided to have a little bit of fun and have PJ day on Thursday to go along with our letters of the week. Don't worry, I'll change before PT interviews lol.


We started our Patterns unit last week. We spend the two days sorting objects based on their similarities. This week we will work on repeating patterns with 2 and 3 objects. They are already starting to notice patterns in the classroom and the hallways. 

Dates to Remember

Thursday November 24th PJ Day

Thursday and Friday November 24&25th Parent Teacher Interviews

December 5th Kindergarten English Concert- More information to come.

*Students making  Remembrance Day posters. They did such a great job!