October 10-13

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a chance to relax and take advantage of extra time with friends and family. I had my fill of turkey and desserts at my mom and dad's yesterday. It was delicious!

Picture Day- Our picture day will be Wednesday October 11th for English Kindergarten

Literacy- This is week 3 in Fundations. This week we will introduce two vowels. /i/ and /u/. I kept their black folders over the weekend to put in new materials. Please remember to send the black bag and black folder back daily. When practicing our letter formation at home please make sure that students are following the prompts and starting their letters from the top down.

Over the next few weeks we will be incorporating all things Fall into our literacy learning. We will be learning about apples, pumpkins, spiders, and Halloween. Lots of stories, songs and poems to go with this theme.

To work on phonological awareness, we have been doing lots of activities to notice how many words we hear in a spoken sentence, noticing words that rhyme and hearing how many parts are in a word. A great little show that I have come across on You-tube to support this learning is called Reading Buddies. Check it out! We have watched a few episodes at lunch time and the kids seem to enjoy it. Here is the link to the first episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-eg7agwXOY

Numeracy- We are continuing to work on numbers up to 5. We are now looking at combinations of groups that make a number. For example, the number 4 can be represented as 0 and 4, 1 and 3, or 2 and 2. When practicing your Fundations letters you could also work on printing the numbers 0-4. Lots are still finding 2 and 3 difficult.

Dates to remember:

October 11 Picture Day

October 27th PD Day

November 1st Teddy Bear Clinic- More info to come

Enjoy this beautiful day!

Julie Redmond

Here are some pictures from the week!

4-6  Practicing the number 4 with playdoh before trying with pencil and paper.

7-8 Our "Apple Pie" sensory table.

9. An art activity after learning about the snowy owl. Our mascot for the Fundations program is a snowy owl named Echo and her baby, Baby Echo.