October 16-20

Hello everyone,

It's hard to believe that we are in the middle of October already! Last week the students filled up their Wow chart and got a little treat on Thursday. We are already on our way to filling up the second chart. The days are getting a bit cooler please make sure to pack a sweater or jacket for our recess times. Please send along a complete change of clothes as well. With the cool weather also comes wet grass/equipment at first recess. 

Literacy- We are moving along in our Fundations program. This week we learn about the letters /c/ and /o/. These are the beginning of our Plane-line curve letters. These letters start at the plane line and curve around. This week we will work on recognizing the trick word "the". We will be reading and singing many Halloween songs and poems.

Numeracy- As we continue to work on numbers to 5. We will be counting spiders, bones, and eyeballs as we make our witches brew in the dramatic play area. 

Dates to remember:

October 27th PD Day- No school

October 31st Halloween- Students may dress up if they wish

November 1 Teddy Bear Clinic- Over the past few weeks we have been hosting UPEI Nursing students on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They have completed lessons on handwashing, healthy eating and recycling. They will be completing their time here with a Teddy Bear Clinic. Students will be asked to bring in a Teddy Bear to bring to the Clinic to role play.

Have a great week!

Julie Redmond

We did a taste test of red, yellow and green apples. We started out with smelling the apples then tasting them with our tongues and finally listening to the sound as we bit into the apple slice. The students loved this activity. They had a hard time choosing which was their favourite kind, although some found the green too sour!

Here students are learning to use our liquid school glue. They used their fine motor skills by squeezing the glue to make a little dot, not a lot! They also used scissors to cut the small pieces of red paper. As they squeezed each dot you could hear some of them repeating, "Just a dot, not a lot!" There was even a little math going on as they started near the end counting how many dots they had left to cover.