Trial Exams
Students in Upper Sixth and Year 11 undertake internal trial exams in the Autumn and Spring Terms. Year 12 in the Spring Term.
All exams are administered by the Exam Office. The dates for this year’s Trial Exams are:
Lower Sixth: 19 Feb - 23 Feb 2024
Upper Sixth: 19 Feb - 23 Feb 2024
Attendance and Study Leave
Year 12
Students will undertake their Trials during timetabled lessons
Year 13
The exams start at 9.00am in the morning and 1.1.5 in the afternoon. When not in attendance at school for a session, pupils are expected to undertake private study at home. A register will be taken at the start of each session.
Year 11
The exams start at 9.00am in the morning and 1.15 in the afternoon. If a pupil has morning and afternoon exams on the same day, they are to remain in school.
If their morning exam finishes during period 3 they will be sent to an allocated room for private study. When not in attendance at school for a session, pupils are expected to undertake private study at home. A register will be taken at the start of each session.
Trials Regulations
Pupils are expected to wear normal school uniform.
Pupils should have a black pen, pencil, rubber and ruler. Other equipment will only be needed as advised by the subject teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to bring the correct equipment.
The exam room will simulate the conditions of the summer public exams, the main points of which are:
You must not communicate with, ask for help form, or give help to any other student in the exam room. The appearance of communicating will be considered as communication
You must not use any unauthorised items, including notes, books, papers or any kind of electronic device.
Where allowed, any calculator must be free of any formulae printed on its case
You must write clearly in black ink (unless instructed otherwise)
Do any rough work on the answer book/sheets provided, but cross through it neatly so it can be seen
If you have a question, raise your hand and wait until an invigilator comes to you
You may bring water in a clear plastic bottle with all labels removed.