Our Provision

During the normal School day we have a full time Medical Manager and First Aid team on site. Our pupils are also supported by the School urse and a School Counsellor. Our First Aid Manager is Debbie Woodcock (0161 488 3347) 

Medical Information 

Parents should provide details of any medical conditions and must inform us of any changes as they occur. Please contact Debbie Woodcock to discuss a healthcare plan  and arrange for the storage of medicines if needed to be held in School. If your child has a food allergy or food intolerance please visit our lunch pages. 

Accidents during the School Day 

In case of emergency or accident pupils should go directly to the First Aid Room. The First Aiders will attend to the needs of the pupils and make an assessment as to whether the pupil should return to class, go home, or go to hospital by ambulance. Parents will be contacted if necessary 

Pupils taken ill during School day

 A pupil who is taken ill during the School day should request permission to attend the First Aid Room from the member of staff whose lesson they need to leave. If the pupil is unfit to return to lessons, the First Aider has the authority to arrange for them to go home. We would expect the pupil to be collected within an hour.

Please note: If a child has an episode of vomiting or diarrhoea in school they will need to remain off school for 48 hours

symptom-free before returning to school.

Medical Details and Emergency Medicines 

Parents should provide details of any medical conditions and update staff whenever changes occur. 

Please complete the appropriate Consent Form should your child require prescribed medicine during school time:

The information is kept in confidence and issued to staff members on a need to know basis. Please contact the team about a healthcare plan if required and to arrange storage of medicines in School. If your child has an allergy or food intolerance please read the Food & Lunch Arrangements pages for information and advice. 

A single dose of paracetamol or antihistamine may be issued by the First Aiders if deemed necessary and if parents have consented on the medical form. Parents of infant pupils will always be telephoned prior to paracetamol being given. Please note no other pharmaceutical preparations are issued by First Aid. If your child requires prescribed medication or may require administration of their own emergency medicine (e.g. an auto injector / inhaler) during the school day, please fill in the consent form on Parent Portal. 

Emergency medicines are stored for individual, named pupils together with written instructions.

Pupils who require epipens or inhalers may carry their own medication. A spare epipen should be kept in School. A spare inhaler may also be kept in School in the First Aid room. School also holds a generic autoinjector and inhaler which may be administered to a pupil with a diagnosis of anaphylaxsis or asthma and written consent has been given. Many teaching staff are trained on a voluntary basis in the use of an epi-pen.