Parents' Association (CHSPA)

Come and see what CHSPA is all about, at our meeting on Thursday 26 September 2024, 7pm.

For more information or to get involved now, email CHS Parent, Caroline:

Take a look at our latest newsletter here

Cheadle Hulme School enjoys the support of a vibrant and active Parents’ Association (CHSPA) which all parents are invited to join. A dedicated committee organises fundraising events throughout the year, ranging from a popular Christmas Fair to discos, film nights, Dinner Dances and ‘Bags2School’ collections. As well as running their own events, they support many School-organised events by providing much enjoyed refreshments.

The CHSPA raise funds for additional items outside of the School budget. Over the past few years, the amount raised is in excess of £250,000, which has been put to good use for the benefit of the whole School community. 

Gifts purchased have ranged from providing additional musical and sporting equipment for School, funding a new minibus, £500 sponsorship for the F1in Schools team, new team sports kits, new equipment for After school and Morning clubs in Junior school, new dugouts for Astro pitches and more recently, state of the art HIPOD and VEDEO cameras, specialist sports cameras currently being put to good use by our sports coaches.

CHSPA only succeeds because of the support from the school, teachers and parents who volunteer or give up their time and support the events. It also provides a wonderful opportunity to make new friendships, meet other parents and have some fun whilst raising valuable funds for all the children. They hold approximately four meetings per year which all parents are welcome to attend and are encouraged to get involved in, as little or as much as they’d like.

To volunteer, make a donation, or to find out more about CHSPA, please contact

Fundraising and CHSPA donations to school 


Since our last newsletter, the PA has funded the following items for school taking total donations to school to over £20,000 in the last 12 months.


Funding requests can be submitted by staff via a google form available on the ER pages on the staff site or by emailing

Join the PA

We are always looking for parents to join us. There is no specific time commitment – just as little or as much as you can spare. We typically hold one meeting a term and need helpers at events occasionally. For more information please contact our Secretary, Katie McLean at

CHSPA 500 Club 

Were you aware that CHSPA run a small society lottery known as “The 500 Club” to raise funds for the benefit of the whole School? 

For an annual charge of £24, a subscriber is allocated a numbered ball which is entered into a draw with a winning prize of £100.  You may subscribe for one or two balls.  There are currently a minimum of 12 prize draws each year (with up to 3 additional bonus draws depending on the funds available).

The 500 Club is open to all current and former parents, relatives and/or guardians of children of Cheadle Hulme School, to members of staff and the Governing Body and also former pupils.  All members must be at least 16 years of age.  

The grand draw for the 2023/24 membership year recently took place and a list of winners can be found below. 

If you are already a member, CHSPA would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.  We really appreciate the regular income we receive from the 500 Club Prize Draw.  A modest contribution from many parents really does make a difference. 

For full details of how to join please download the application form or contact CHSPA member Katharine Magnay ( who will be happy to help. 

For 500 Club Winners 2022 / 23 - see below 

500 Club Rules

500 Club Winners 2023 / 24

Steve Donaldson

Katharine Magnay

Kate Vokes

Malone Robinson

John Edmeads

Colette Norbury

Freya Gee

Catherine Boyd

Simon Fontes

Steve Donaldson

Samantha Tipping

C Duff

Committee Members

The following officers were formally approved at the Parents' Association AGM in 2023:

Chair Caroline Flynn

Secretary Katie McLean

Treasurer Mollika Kaushik

The CHSPA Constitution can be found here. 

The CHSPA accounts for 2022/23 can be found here.