
School enters all students for the exams associated with their courses of study. This occurs in the period November to January, in advance of the exam board deadline in February. Pupils have the opportunity to check their own entries in January. In particular, this includes ensuring that School has the student’s full legal name and date of birth correctly recorded because these will appear on the resultant Certificate(s).

Re-sits and Additional Entries

Those wishing to re-sit an exam from the prior June, including those who left the School, will need to make their intention known to the Exam Office no later than January. There will be a small standard charge to cover the entry fee.

It may be possible for a student who wishes to take an additional examination at School, perhaps having studied with an external tutor outside, to take their exam at School. Please contact the Exam Office to check.

Where it is possible, the School will levy a standard charge in addition to the entry fee.

Access Arrangements

The exam boards recognise reasonable adjustments which are put in place for exams, to support those with persistent and significant learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia, visual impairment. This topic in itself has volumes of guidance, and is administered by our Learning & Support Department. Such exam arrangements require evidence of being normal practice in School over the long-term, and are arranged by the School with the exam boards early in the entry process.