Scientific Investigation

Scientific Investigation

  • Scientists must have a systematic way in order to arrive at a valid conclusion. This is sometimes referred to as The Scientific Method but oftentimes it can be conducted in different ways.
  • The Key Elements are as follows...

  1. Begin by asking a Question that you will answer by doing this experiment.
    • Your question must be something that can be answered by completing an experiment.
    • consider the following examples:
      • To what extent does the shape of the device picking up circles affect the number of circles picked up?
      • To what extent does the background affect the number of circles picked up?
  2. Develop a Hypothesis.
    • What do you think is the answer to the question you asked?
    • A hypothesis should be written like the following: "I think __________. I think this because ___________________."
  3. Identify the Variables.
    • Which variable will you manipulate or change in your experiment? This is called the Independent Variable.
    • What conditions and procedures will you keep the same each time? These are called the Controls or Controlled Variable.
    • What characteristics will you be observing or measuring? These are called the Dependent Variables.
  4. Design the Procedures.
    • Write detailed instructions to complete your experiment.
    • Include...
      • what you will use to pick up the circles.
      • how you will measure the results
      • how many trials
      • how you will collect the data