Dissection Preparation

Learning Target

  • Examine evidence to show how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

Success Criteria

  • Observe all parts of the Frog
  • Compare and Contrast similarities and differences between Frogs and Human Beings
  • Predict how frogs use their specialized features to survive

MS-LS1-3. - Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

MS-LS1-4. - Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.



  • read all directions
  • Complete all tasks
  • Keep team on task

Materials Manager

  • Gather all Material
  • use material appropriately


  • Create a dissection booklet
  • Record all data


  • Use Ipad and or Computers to check answers or pull up resources

Choosing a Team

Dissection Journal

Title Page

  • white paper (5 sheets)
  • title the first page “FROG DISSECTION”
  • include all names

Task 1

  • List 10 differences between Humans and Frogs

Task 2

  • List 10 similarities between Humans and Frogs

First, a few things...

Division of Life

  • All life can be divided into categories based on their various characteristics.
  • The method we use today is called the Linnaean system of taxonomy also referred to as Binomial Nomenclature.
  • This method was the work of Carolus Linnaeus, created in 1735

The Animal Kingdom can be further broken down into two groups:

Pre-Dissection Preparation:

Gather the following equipment… Wash… Dry… and Lay out

  • Dissection Tray
  • Forceps
  • Rubber Mat
  • Magnification Glass
  • Round Head Scissors
  • Fine Point Scissors
  • Latex Gloves (for all members)
  • Plastic wrap or cover for Tray
  • 20 T-Pins
  • Diagrams booklet
  • Pippett
  • 1 Poker