What is Inside a Bone?

Questions to Ponder

  • What organisms have Bones?
  • What do you know about Bones?
  • How do you think The Skeletal System affects the other systems we have already Studied?
  • Can Bones bend?
  • Have you ever broken a Bone? If so which one and explain how you broke it.


  • What do bones look like on the inside?
  • Are they one solid piece?
  • Why or Why not?

Lab Time!

Bones Observation Lab


  • Facilitator/Leader- Keep team on Task. Put on gloves. Manipulate samples and make observations.
  • Recorder- Record all team answers. Make Observations.

Learning Target

  • Organize bones in the Skeletal System into appropriate types of bones

Success Criteria

  • List the bones in the Skeletal System
  • Determine similarities between bones
  • Decide what categories bones belong to and justify decision

Lab Time!

Learning Target

  • Compare and Contrast different Skeletal Systems to the Human Skeletal System

Success Criteria

  • Diagram the Skeletal System
  • Analyze multiple skeletal systems from an array of organisms

Analyzing Bone Structures


  • Complete the questions by comparing each of the examples (6) to the Skeletal System Diagram.
  • Write your answers and predictions in your Science Notebook.


What roles are necessary for the completion of this task?

  • Learning Monitor

15 Minutes!


  1. What is similar between our skeletal system and the example?
  2. What is different between our skeletal system and the example?
  3. What type of environment do you think this animal lives in? Why?
  4. Prediction: What do you believe this animal is?

Skeletal System Diagram

Image #1

Image #2

Image #3

Image #4

Image #5

Image #6


Answer the following with your team. When you are done we will move around the room and share our answers.

  1. Explain the idea that humans are systems.
  2. What is the function of the Skeletal System?
  3. What do bones look like on the inside?
  4. If bones don't bend how do we move?

Skeletal System Game

Play the following game to see how much you remember about the skeletal system. Do not use your notes! Keep trying until you get it!

Vestigal Bones

Lab Time! - Joints

20 Minutes!

Learning Target

  • Identify the different ways that our bones move relative to each other.

Success Criteria

  • Identify the ways our bones move.
  • List the names of the ways our bones move. (joints)
  • Understand and Diagram the ways the bones move.


There are several different kinds of joints within our body.

  • With your team try to identify how many different types of joints are in the human body.
    • Move around as many ways as you can and list the different types of movement.
    • Come up with names for the different types of joints that you can think of.


Send a representative around to the other groups to share your ideas

  • How do their ideas compare to yours?
  • What questions do you have?
  • Can you combine any of your ideas? A + B = C

Types of Joints

Click on the elbow joint to the right to see the actual names of the joint types

Cartilage, Tendons, and Ligaments

Learning Target

  • Identify the structures that aid in bone movement

Success Criteria

  • Identify the structures that aid in bone movement
  • describe the location of the various structures
  • diagram the structures

There are three main types of connective tissue in our skeletal system. They are cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

  • Cartilage is a connective tissue found in many areas of the body including the joints between bones (elbows, knees and ankles) the ends of the ribs, between the vertebrae in the spine, and ears and nose.
  • Tendons connect muscles to bones. They act like tough cords. Tendons allow the muscles to pull on bones. If you look at the back of your hand and move your fingers, the bands you see moving from your fingers to your wrist are actually tendons.
  • Ligaments are bands of tough elastic tissue around your joints. They connect bone to bone, give your joints support, and limit their movement. You have ligaments around your knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders, and other joints. Stretching or tearing them can make your joints unstable.

What is Inside a Bone Review

Skeleton Review

Watch the following video reviewing the human skeleton and then click below for the lyrics.

From Molecules to Organisms