First Lego League

Core Values

The Robot Game

Research and Presentation

Scoring Rubrics




Challenge Journal


The mission of FIRST is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting Mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

FLL Teaser Trailers

First Lego League and Colonel Richardson Middle School

The First Lego League at CRMS is broken down into two main components; competition and mentoring.


In the fall we have two First Lego League (FLL) teams called the Creative Colonels and Crazy Cougars comprised of 7th and 8th graders. FLL rules stipulate that there can only be 10 members on a team. The teams meet throughout the 1st semester during an intervention period and one day after school (Thursdays each week) to prepare for the Regional Qualifier which usually occurs in early December at Salisbury Middle School in Salisbury, MD.


During the Spring Semester, 6th graders are invited to learn about FLL during that same intervention period. They are instructed by the current members of the two FLL teams. In the following Fall 6th graders are chosen to replace the 8th grade students that are graduating to the High School. Team members are chosen based on their overall performance during the mentoring semester.

After FLL

After graduating from Middle School many First Lego League participants go on to join the engineering program at Colonel Richardson High School called Project Lead the Way: Engineering and Project Lead the Way: Biomedical.

Click Here for the Official FLL Website