Meteorology is the study of the weather.  Here you will learn the causes of weather and how to stay safe during a severe weather event.


How are Weather Data Collected?

How Are Weather Data Collected?

  • The details of the weather in the different regions of the United States show the wide range of events that can take place in the atmosphere. Meteorologists use weather stations set up around the world to collect weather data. The data allow meteorologists to make predictions about the weather. Five tools are always part of a weather station:
    • rain gauge - measures the amount of precipitation that has fallen to earth
    • thermometer - measures the temperature at a specific location
    • barometer - measures the air pressure (how much air is pushing down on a specific location)
    • anemometer - measures the wind speed
    • wind vane - measures the wind direction

Your Task

  1. Design an instrument to measure one of the conditions above.
  2. Create a labeled diagram to indicate all of the parts of your instrument.
  3. Write a paragraph to explain why your design helps your instrument perform its job.
NASA Weather Monitoring


Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions and complex interactions of air masses results in changes in weather conditions.