Debate Roles

Who is doing what?

It is important to establish roles for before and during the debate. Dividing up the work will ensure that things go smoothly.


  • Keeps the team on task and makes final decisions about disagreements

Opening Statement Presenter

  • Gathers the main arguments into an introductory statement. Does not give specific information; just says "this is true because of A and B and C."

Topic Presenter

  • Present the main arguments for the team. Each presenter give specific details that prove A and B and C.

Rebuttal Presenters

  • Answer the arguments of the other team. These presenters must take notes as the other team is presenting their arguments and respond to every argument, using specific information to disprove them.

Closing Statement Presenter

  • Presents the closing arguments for the team. Repeats the main idea for this and this and this reasons.
