Adapted for Survival

MS-LS1-5. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.

Learning Target

  • Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.

Success Criteria

  • I can identify traits of living organisms.
  • I can identify how organisms use their traits to reproduce.

Questions to Ponder

  • What are some living organisms around Caroline County that are especially adapted to our environment?
  • What traits do they have that help them to survive?
  • What are some living organisms that are not very well adapted for our environment? (if they weren't taken care of they would probably die!)


Part 1 - Outside

We will look outside to make observations of the living organisms around the school.

Your Task:

  • Choose a living organism that you can see in the immediate area.
  • Draw a sketch of your organism. Label important parts.
  • Observe the behavior of your organism. Is it doing anything to help it survive? Does it appear to be doing anything at all? What might it be doing that you cannot actively see?
  • What special structures or traits does the organism have to help it survive and reproduce?


Part 2 - Back Inside


Your Task:

  • Research your organism to find out more about its adaptations for survival and reproduction.
  • Add to your diagram if necessary.
  • Prepare a brief description of your observation and research.

Back to Teams...

Share your research with your team.

  • Go around the table and have each student share.
  • Ask questions for clarification
  • Discuss - Were you successful?
    • I can identify traits of living organisms.
    • I can identify how organisms use their traits to reproduce.
  • Be prepared to report to the rest of the class.
How Do Organisms Change Over Time?