Dissection Procedures

Learning Target

  • Differentiate body systems between Humans and Frogs

Success Criteria

  • Compare and Contrast similarities and differences between Frogs and Human Beings
  • Identify features of a frog's systems that are specially adapted to their survival

MS-LS4-4. Construct an explanation based on evidence that describes how genetic variations of traits in a population increase some individuals’ probability of surviving and reproducing in a specific environment.

Dissection Step 1

  1. Lay Frog on back
  2. Pull Arms and Legs wide apart and place T-Pins to keep the frog “Open”
  3. Do not dislocate or break arms or legs

Dissection Step 2

  1. With sharp pointed scissors make incision of only the skin of the frog to reveal its chest and abdominal muscles

Dissection Step 3

  1. Cut away connective tissue that holds the skin and the muscle together (use Poker)
  2. Pin back skin to expose pectoral and abdominal muscles

Stop and Observe

In your notebook...

  1. Describe the Muscular System of a frog.
    • How are they similar to ours?
    • How are they different?

Dissection Step 4

  1. Cut up to the jaw from the chest area
  2. Only cut the skin
  3. Cut away connective tissue
  4. Do not pin skin flaps yet

Dissection Step 5

  • Place the rounded scissors in the mouth of the frog and snip up open the jaw
  • Jaw should be able to open up to chest

Stop and Observe

In Your Notebook...

Task 7:

  1. Describe the tongue
    • How is it different from ours?
    • How is it adapted specifically for a frog?

Dissection Step 6

  1. Cut up through the abdominal muscles to the chest
  2. Snip through the sternum parallel with shoulder
  3. Pull back chest and abdominal cavity so all organs are showing
  4. Pin open the chest and stomach cavity
  5. List all of the organs that you can see in your frog

Dissection Step 7

  1. Cut all the skin off of one of the upper legs so that only the Quadricep and Bicep Femoris (Hamstring is showing)

Stop and Observe

In Your Notebook...

  • Describe the Muscles of the leg.
  • How does this compare to a chicken leg/wing that you’ve seen before?
  • When we eat “meat” what body system do we typically consume?...Why?

Dissection Step 8

  1. Cut all the muscle off of one of the upper legs to reveal a bone.

Stop and Observe

In Your Notebook...

  • What bone did you remove from the frog? How do you know?
  • How is that bone specially adapted to help the frog survive?
  • How does the bone work with the muscular system of the frog?

Dissection Step 9

  1. Remove at least two of the organs from the body.
  2. Identify the organs.
  3. Call the teacher over when you are sure you know what they are.

Stop and Observe

In Your Notebook...

  • What observations have you made about your frog dissection experience that help you better understand human anatomy?

Dissection Clean Up

  1. Throw all frog remains away
  2. Wash all equipment with soapy water
  3. Wash out rubber mat and dissection tray
  4. Wipe down all desks/lab tables/dissection trays
  5. Wash Hands